How to complete the TOTS Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22?

How to complete the TOTS Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22?

TOTS Upgrade SBC

FIFA 22 Team of the Season has been one of the best promo events that the game has obtained. Here is how to complete the TOTS Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22 to get a random player item from the TOTS promo event.

This new event will allow the players to get a guaranteed TOTS player item from all the leagues. A number of teams under the Team of the Season has been released and almost all of them have great stats. This promo event rewards the best players from the earlier season and gives them special custom player items. Here is how to complete the new TOTS Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22 today.

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TOTS Upgrade SBC

TOTS Upgrade SBC
TOTS Upgrade SBC

TOTS player items are a great way for the players to improve their rosters significantly to be better teams in the PVP rounds.

The Team of the Season event has released quite a few player items in the game that have higher stats than normal and players can obtain them from the packs. These are quite the hard ones to find because they have only a slight chance of appearing in the packs. Here are the requirements to complete the event:

  • IF + TOTS Players: Minimum 1
  • Squad Rating: Minimum 84
  • Team Chemistry: Minimum 55
  • 11 players in the squad
YouTube video
YouTube: runthefutmarket

It will cost the players approximately 54000-58000 FUT coins to complete from scratch. However, the cost can be reduced using fodder from the player inventory.

It will be remaining in the game for 3 more days and it is repeatable in nature. Upon completion, players will earn 1 Team of the Season Player from any TOTS squad.

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Also read: How to complete the 80+ EFIGS Player Pick SBC in FIFA 22 (14 June)?