New 81+ Defender Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22: How to complete it?

81+ Defender Upgrade SBC
The Team of the Year event for FIFA 22 edition is currently looming over the players as new events releases and voting comes to an end. Here is how to complete the 81+ Defender Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22 that features the potential for great fodder.
The Team of the Year event has released the Warmup Series, which prepares the players for the main event. This warmup series is incredible because of all the single-task SBCs that are releasing under it. This ensures that the players do not have to spend a ton of FUT coins to save up fodder for the upcoming TOTY player items.
Here is how to complete the 81+ Defender Upgrade SBC and get some decent fodder.
81+ Defender Upgrade SBC

EA Sports has featured 3 singe-task SBCs for today that will majorly be used to acquire fodder for the main event.
Related: How to complete the new 81+ Midfielder Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22?
The new SBCs features some simple single-task SBCs hat the players can complete easily. These require a half squad and also minimal requirements to get the rewards. Therefore, players can expect these to cost them significantly less.
Moreover, with the upcoming Team of the Year FIFA 22 event coming up, players need to save up fodder to use and obtain the best cards from last year. The Warmup series enables exactly that and is a great event to participate in.
The 81+ Defender Upgrade SBC requires the following:
- Minimum Silver players
- Minimum 5 Gold players
- Minimum 20 Team Chemistry
- 6 players in the squad
This will approximately cost the players round 2000-3000 FUT coins only. Therefore, players can grind it out as much as possible.
The event is live from 15th January till 19th January, 2022 and is repeatable in nature. Players will be rewarded with a 81+ Defender Player Pack upon completing it each time.
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Also read: How to complete the 81+ Attacker Upgrade SBC in FIFA 22?