New FIFA 22 Future Stars Reunion Player Pick SBC: Tasks, rewards, and Prices!

New FIFA 22 Future Stars Reunion Player Pick SBC: Tasks, rewards, and Prices!

FIFA 22 Future Stars Reunion Player Pick SBC

FIFA 22 Future Stars promo event is reaching the peak day for its events and releasing some great SBCs. Here is how to complete the FIFA 22 Future Stars Reunion Player Pick SBC.

FIFA 22 Future Stars have released a new promo SBC event that features some great player items. This is another Player Pick SBC, which means players can select their own reward from an option of 4 in this one. This event brings back some of the old featured players in the Future Stars 19, 20, and 21, and players can get them from this SBC for free!

Here is how to complete the FIFA 22 Future Stars Reunion Player Pick SBC in the game.

FIFA 22 Future Stars Reunion Player Pick SBC

FIFA 22 Future Stars Reunion
FIFA 22 Future Stars Reunion

This new SBC features four options that the players will get upon completing the tasks. These options will be from the players who appeared in earlier Future Stars promo events and other promo events in the FUT 22 edition.

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This is a single-task SBC like many other events released under the Future Stars promo and is a must-do. Here are the requirements for the FIFA 22 Future Stars Reunion Player Pick SBC:

  • Minimum 2 In Form players
  • Minimum 85 Squad rating
  • Minimum 55 Team Chemistry
  • 11 players in the squad

This SBC will cost the players approximately around 120,000 FUT coins to complete. It seems quite high, but players can considerably reduce the cost using fodder in the inventory.

YouTube video
YouTube: NepentheZ

This is a repeatable challenge, which means that players can complete it 2 times before it expires. However, players have only 72 hours before it expires forever.

Upon completing the task, players will get to choose between 4 different players that are from a variety of FUT 22 promo events. Players can select any one of the 4 options that they get.

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Also read: How to get the Patryk Zaucha FIFA 22 Future Stars Swap token?