FIFA 23: EA’s Huge Blunder Provides Players an Early Access of FIFA 23!

FIFA 23: EA’s Huge Blunder Provides Players an Early Access of FIFA 23!

FIFA 23: EA's Huge Blunder Provides Players an Early Access of FIFA 23!

EA Sports has made a blunder ahead of the release of its game FIFA 23, which has been scheduled for September 30 (September 27 for those with early access). There has been plenty of hype for the release of this game, and EA has added on to this hype through the introduction of the Pre-Season promo in FIFA 22, for the new game.

EA Sports have made a mistake which has allowed FIFA players to access FIFA 23 (originally supposed to be released on September 27 for early accessors) and actually get early access to the new game on 30th August, 2022. Have a look below to find out all the details in relation to EA’s blunder and how the FIFA 23 was able to be accessed way ahead of its launch date.

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Accidental Early Access Given to FIFA 23 Due to EA Blunder!

FIFA 23: EA's Huge Blunder Provides Players an Early Access of FIFA 23!
FIFA 23: EA’s Huge Blunder Provides Players an Early Access of FIFA 23!

EA Sports have admitted they have made a mistake due to which some players were able to access the unreleased game way ahead of its launch date. A mistake caused by the developers at EA led to the game being accessible for a short period. Some players were able to access the game and actually be active in it for around 2 hours!

The glitch occurred in Xbox One which therefore allowed some Xbox One users to take advantage of the situation and play the game for around 2 hours. The glitch granted some players full access to FIFA 23 including all game modes such as FIFA Ultimate Team, Career Mode and more.

Also read: FIFA 22: New Sadio Mane Player Moments Card Leaked!

Ratings of various players from teams such as Liverpool, Paris Saint-Germain, Manchester City and Manchester United in FIFA 23 were leaked on social media. However, EA has now confirmed that the leaked ratings from the game might not be final. Social Media users who leaked such information were hit with copyright strikes.

YouTube video
YouTube: runthefutmarket

Around 24 hours after the glitch, EA has apologized for its mistake by claiming that it unintentionally granted a two-hour trial on Xbox One of FIFA 23 that was not meant to be available yet. The mistake of EA resulted in some FIFA players accessing the new game for sometime, and some players of the game even live-streamed the footage on Twitch.

Also read: FIFA 23: New Player Cards Guide! What are the New Types of Player Cards?