FIFA 23 Glitch Results in World Cup Mode Going Live for PS5

A glitch has resulted in the World Cup mode going live in FIFA 23
Fans have been waiting for the World Cup mode in FIFA 23 since the game’s release. It looks like this mode is now accessible on PS5 consoles thanks to a glitch.
This comes shortly after EA Sports officially confirmed that there will be Men’s and Women’s World Cup modes. This mode is accessible to everyone once it goes live and there is no extra charge. It has not been confirmed if this is content that has been made accessible.
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World Cup Mode in FIFA 23 Accidentally Becomes Accessible for PS5 Users

The news flooded social media as players got a glimpse of what was to come. On October 12th, after the release of the daily content, social media suddenly flooded. There are a lot of new things that players are interested in, but one that popped up was the World Cup mode.
This development almost confirms it’s closer to being available than the other way around. The last time the FIFA World Cup was held, FIFA 18 had free DLC content. This looks much shallower than what EA Sports has planned for this year’s release.
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Gamers are advised not to try to unlock the World Cup mode due to its lack of stability. Data curruption also serves as a threat if players try to access the mode. FIFA 23‘s dedicated game modes seem to offer players a wide variety of options.
For one, there will likely be both single-player and multiplayer matches. Modes made available due to bugs may be part of the future and attempting to access them now may corrupt in-game data.
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