FIFA 23 Official Cover art was released and they look amazing!

FIFA 23 Official Cover art was released and they look amazing!

FIFA 23 Official Cover art

FIFA 23 is nearing the official trailer release to the masses and there are some exclusive sneak peeks that are being leaked. The FIFA 23 Official Cover art for the game has been revealed and it features the star player, Kylian Mbappe.

FIFA 23 will be the next-gen sports football game that will also be the last one for the decade-long partnership between EA Sports and FIFA. The game will definitely bring forward new next-gen graphics and a new engine to improve the performance. before the release of the game, there are several features being showcased to keep the hype up, in the FIFA community. Here are the new cover arts and features being released slowly but steadily.

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FIFA 23 Official Cover Arts: Featuring Mbappe

FIFA 23 Official Cover art
FIFA 23 Official Cover art

The main ambassador for this edition is still Kylian Mbappe. He will be getting the role of the main ambassador for two years in a row now, with him being the face of the game!

Kylian Mbappe has been featured on the official covers of the game with his sprite being the main feature. The cover looks amazing and EA has stepped up their game in the art department. Kylian will also appear on the covers, game screen menus, loading screens, and also in promotional ad campaigns for the game.

The covers are showcased on @FIFAUTeam‘s Twitter with two new Mbappe designs being released now.

YouTube video
YouTube: DannyAaronsShorts

The release of the cover art also means the nearing of the trailer release on YouTube, which will be a small showcase of the gameplay and the main ambassadors for the edition. Look into the EA SPORTS FIFA channel for live updates for the game!

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Also read: How to complete the Throwback Marquee Matchups in FIFA 22 (15th July 2022)?