FIFA 23: How to complete the Crack the Net SBC

Plsyers can read below to find out how they can complete the Crack the Net SBC in FIFA 23.

FIFA 23: How to complete the Crack the Net SBC

The Crack the Net SBC is now available in Ultimate Team (Image Credits: Kingflipper)

Crack the Net Squad Building Challenge (SBC) is a brand-new daily pack in FIFA 23 that was made available as part of the Fantasy FUT content. Since they provide players with a consistent supply of material in addition to exclusive challenges and objectives, single-task challenges like this one have become a mainstay in Ultimate Team.

The Fantasy FUT promotion from FIFA 22 has returned in FIFA 23. This time though, the cards’ upgrading trajectory has been revised to take into account the results of upcoming matches in their allocated domestic club competition, which has the potential to provide the cards even bigger stat boosts.

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Related: FIFA 23: How to complete the Sami Al-Jaber Fantasy FUT Hero SBC

How to complete the Crack the Net SBC in FIFA 23

FIFA 23: How to complete the Crack the Net SBC
Image Credits: ModdingWay

Those hoping to obtain some of the game’s numerous lethal items would be wise to open as many packs as they can while the Fantasy FUT promotion is running. This makes playing inexpensive daily content a must-do for all Ultimate Team fans.

Because the Showdown series provided essentially the same thing, dynamically upgradeable cards are nothing new in the game. The difference between Fantasy FUT items and RTTF or Showdown cards is that this series’ upgrades will take into account both a team’s and its player’s performance on the field. In contrast, RTTF or Showdown cards have upgrades tied to their teams’ results in either specific fixtures or international club competitions.

Requirements to complete the Crack the Net SBC:

  • Number of players in the squad: Exactly 11
  • Leagues represented in the squad: Minimum of 2
  • Nationalities represented in the squad: Maximum of 2
  • Rare cards in the squad: Minimum of 1
  • Squad Rating: Minimum of 50
  • Required chemistry points: Minimum of 14

Reward: 1 x Two Rare Gold Players Pack

Estimated Cost: 2,000 – 2,500 FUT Coins Across platforms

FIFA 23: How to complete the Crack the Net SBC
Image Credits: EA

According to the current market prices for such items, FIFA 23 gamers wishing to invest roughly 2,200 coins will need to purchase enough fodder to start from fresh and create an eligible squad that satisfies all of the mentioned requirements. Due to its light chemistry point and squad rating criteria, this SBC is inexpensive.

When the challenge is finished, you’ll receive a pack of Two Rare Gold Players, one of which is guaranteed to be a card from the current promotion. Given its very moderate cost and great potential return, the Crack the Net SBC is an absolute must for any Ultimate Team player, especially with Fantasy FUT delivering some top notch cards to FIFA 23.

In case you missed it!