Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1: All Oathbound Chests Locations
Discover every Oathbound Chest spread all over the Fortnite map.

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 has introduced a new challenge that requires players to find and open a total of 25 Oathbound Chests scattered throughout the map. This article will guide you through all the locations of the Oathbound Chests, so you can complete this challenge quickly and easily.
Oathbound Chests are new chests added to Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1. They have a brown color and feature a distinctive oatmeal-like texture. These chests contain valuable loot and are essential for completing the Oatbound Challenge.
Oathbound Chest Locations
Craggy Cliffs:
- Look for a building with a blue roof near the southern end of Craggy Cliffs. You will find the Oathbound Chest on the second floor.
- Look for the yellow house near the southwestern edge of Craggy Cliffs. You will find the Oathbound Chest on the second floor.
Slurpy Swamp:
- The building with the Slurp Tank in the center houses the Oathbound Chest.
- Look for a small building near the northeastern edge of Slurpy Swamp. You will find the Oathbound Chest inside.
Misty Meadows:
Look for the big blue house in the northwestern part of Misty Meadows. You will find the Oathbound Chest on the second floor.
Lazy Lake:
The Oathbound Chest can be found on the first floor of the tall building in the center of Lazy Lakes
Weeping Woods:
- Look for a shack near the southeastern edge of Weeping Woods. You will find the Oathbound Chest inside.
- Look for a small building near the southwestern edge of Weeping Woods. You will find the Oathbound Chest inside.
Dirty Docks:
- The Oathbound Chest can be found in the back of the truck parked near the northeastern edge of Dirty Docks.
- Look for the small building with a blue roof near the southern edge of Dirty Docks. You will find the Oathbound Chest inside.
- Look for a small building near the northeastern edge of Dirty Docks. You will find the Oathbound Chest inside.
Holly Hedges:
- Look for a brown brick building with a red roof in the northeastern part of Holly Hedges. You will find the Oathbound Chest on the second floor.
- You can find the Oathbound Chest in the back of the truck parked near the southeastern edge of Holly Hedges.
Steamy Stacks:
- You can find the Oathbound Chest on the third floor of the tall building in the center of Steamy Stacks.
- Look for a small building near the southeastern edge of Steamy Stacks. You will find the Oathbound Chest inside.
Believer Beach:
- Look for the blue house near the southern end of Believer Beach. The Oathbound Chest is on the second floor.
- You can find the Oathbound Chest in the back of the truck parked near the southwestern edge of Believer Beach.
Corny Complex:
You will find the Oathbound Chest on the second floor of the tall building in the center of Corny Complex.
Coral Castle:
Look for a small building near the southeastern edge of Coral Castle. You will find the Oathbound Chest inside.
Catty Corner:
The Oathbound Chest can be found in the back of the truck parked near the southwestern edge of Catty Corner.
What Will a Oathbound Chest Hold?

In Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1, players can find Oathbound Chests scattered throughout the map, which are part of the Oathbound Challenge. These chests not only contain weapons, ammunition, shields, healing items, and other useful items, but also provide players with an opportunity to quickly gear up and complete the challenge.
The type of weapon found in the chest is random, but higher rarity weapons are more likely to be found in high-traffic areas. Furthermore, the ammunition types usually match the weapon found in the chest. Oathbound Chests can also provide players with shields, healing items such as medkits and bandages, chug splashes, slurp juice, fish, as well as other items like building materials, grenades, and traps.
To make the most of the Oathbound Chests, players need to know their locations, which are fixed. This helps them strategize their approach and make sure they can quickly find the chests they need to complete the challenge.
Oathbound Chests are a valuable addition to Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1, providing players with a way to quickly obtain a variety of useful items while also adding an extra layer of challenge and strategy to the game. Therefore, players should make sure to search for and open as many chests as possible to increase their chances of success in the game.
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