Curdle Scream Leader in Fortnite: What is it and where to find it?

Fortnitemares 2022
With the release of Fortnite’s Fortnitemares 2022, several new NPCs have been added to the game. The developers are trying to make Fortnitemares the biggest in-game event of the year, and this time around, they are not pulling any punches. With the release of several in-game articles and player skins that can be accumulated by completing the quests, Fortnite is trying to make their game as interactive as possible.
Fornitemares 2022 has two new quests released on Monday, and one of them requires the players to purchase an in-game item from an NPC. Although Ash Williams might seem like the go-to option here, nothing worthwhile seems to be purchasable from him. Furthermore, the Knowby Cabin is a difficult place to find. As an alternative, Curdle Scream Leader could be used to purchase items.
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Where to find Curdle Scream Leader
Curdle Scream Leader is an anonymous NPC, and that’s because there is no one place where he can be found. This NPC keeps moving around the island, making him quite tricky to locate. One of the best ways to spot him is to glide over the Research Lab Minotaur on the road that connects it to the Tilted Towers, which is his most frequent area of spawn. However, once the players jump from the Battle Bus, this NPC relocates to a different area.
In order to complete the quest, two items need to be purchased from this NPC. Overall, this NPC sells three items:
- Hop Drop
- Pepper Mint
- Epic Pumpkin Launcher
The Pepper Mint and the Hop Drop are two consumable items, while the Epic Pumpkin Launcher is a limited-time item that can be purchased for 600 gold. As one of the highest damage-dealing weapons in the game, this can easily be your ticket to winning the game if used properly.
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A primary benefit of completing these quests is that a free player skin, The Chrome Punk skin is on offer for the players who manage to complete all the quests. This means collecting and finishing these quests are paramount if free cosmetic items are at the top of your to get the list.
Fortnitemares will last till 1st November questors will have enough time to hunt down this Curdle Scream Leader and get those quests and purchases out of the way. With new quests being released continuously, completing these quests will require some hard grinding in the game.
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