Fortnite Players Could be Getting 1000 Free V-Bucks Due to Server Issues

Fortnite players could be rewarded with up to 1000 free V-Bucks by Epic Games
Fortnite recently had serious server issues. Recently, many players reported outages and were unable to access the game. There is word of free V-Bucks that may come in as a reward to the players. At the start of Chapter 3 Season 4, many players were looking to complete challenges to get their Battle Pass level high, but they couldn’t do it for a while.
The problem was really bad and cost the players valuable playing time. The developers will get immediate feedback from the users if there are issues so early in the game. Perhaps at the peak of its popularity this season, Epic seems to be considering giving players free V-Bucks to users as a reward to make up for the inconvenience caused.
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Epic Games is Reportedly Going to Compensate Fortnite Players With Up to 1000 V-Bucks

The message comes from Camping Rusher, a popular Fortnite YouTuber who provides valuable information to the community. According to him, a new text string was found in the game files. This suggests that the players will soon be able to get free V-Bucks. This text string indicates that the server issue is very serious and that Epic Games feels a fix needs to be made for Fortnite players.
Epic Games does this often, but usually with free small cosmetic items, and the fact that they might give players free V-Bucks shows how bad the server outages were. The choice of words in the text file raises many questions. Those who recently purchased V-Bucks are specifically mentioned, indicating that only players who have recently purchased V-Bucks can earn more.
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The real question on everyone’s mind is how many V-Bucks are going to be awarded. Players would have to at least have enough to buy a decent emote in the item shop to make it worth it, Epic Games has given Fortnite players his V-Bucks for free before, so it wouldn’t be surprising if they do it again. However, it is unclear when and what this has to do with. It is most likely in relation to the server outages, but all leakers know that the text was found after the last update.
At this time, Epic Games has said nothing about player compensation. The line of text hints at some form of free V-Bucks coming, but so far it’s been silent, and nothing has been made public. It’s even possible that players will log in to see the free V-Bucks waiting there on day, we will see. Note that the text was found in the file, but there is no guarantee that it will be for real.
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