Genshin Impact 2.6: Ayato’s release date and ascension materials announced

In Genshin Impact version 2.6, Ayato will be playable. The five-star Hydro Sword wielder is one of the most eagerly awaited characters in the game’s history, and many players will be anticipating his banner during the first half.

Ayato appears to be a character with a DPS/sub-DPS skill set. His Elemental Skill is based on inflicting a lot of AoE Hydro DMG, and his Elemental Burst can augment party members’ Normal ATK damage.
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Ayato’s Genshin Impact release date

Ayato’s banner will be live during the first half of a forthcoming update, according to the 2.6 Special Program. A character occasion wish-2 banner will also be available, showcasing the Anemo Archon, Venti.
The 2.6 upgrades are set to release on March 30, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. (UTC+8), which means Ayato will follow suit. Ayato’s banner would be available for three weeks, after which Ayaka and Venti will take his place. The supplies for Ayato’s ascent in Genshin Impact
The following items are required to fully advance Ayato to Lv. 90:
- 168 Sakura Bloom
- Varunada Lazurite Silver x1
- Varunada Lazurite Fragment x9
- Varunada Lazurite Chunk x9
- Varunada Lazurite Gemstone x6
- Dew of Repudiation
- Old Handguard x18
- Kageuchi Handguard x30
- Famed Handguard x36
- 420,000 Mora
It’s worth noting that the Sakura Bloom blossoms can only be obtained after an Electro strike has been dealt. Lisa is a must-have for any player who has reached Inazuma, as the F2P four-star troop is excellent at farming Sakura Bloom.
Ascension materials aren’t the only means to improve Ayato’s numbers, as ascending a character improves their base stats significantly. Ayato’s ultimate potential can be realised by focusing equally on artefacts, weapons, and talents in Genshin Impact.

Overall, Ayato’s inclusion in Genshin Impact 2.6 is closer than before, implying that the 2.5 upgrades will soon be completed. At the moment, players can complete the Hyakunin Ikki & Three Realms Gateway Offering events for Primogems.
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