Genshin Impact 2.8 leaks hint changes on Shikanoin Heizou’s constellation and Elemental Burst

Shikanoin Heizou's elemental burst and C2 revamped
Shikanoin Heizou is an upcoming character in the game whose banner was unexpectedly dropped by the developers saving the game from being inactive after 2.7 delay. The latest Genshin Impact 2.8 leaks coming from the beta program have indicated that his constellation and his elemental burst were revamped to a certain extent.
The first male catalyst user of the game will soon become playable when the 2.8 update releases on the 13th of July. One of the interesting parts is that chances to obtain him will be more as he is a character with a 4-star rarity.
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Genshin Impact 2.8 leaks: Heizou’s constellation and elemental burst modified
As the beta program of the 2.8 update is still going on, players will still be able to know any major or minor changes made to the update through Genshin Impact 2.8 leaks. The latest information from Genshin Mains’ Twitter Handle claims that the upcoming character Heizou’s constellation and elemental burst received some slight changes.
The elemental burst of the 4-star character earlier helped him to leap into the air and kick his opponents dealing with Anemo DMG. Now, with the updated version, Heizou will be able to create an Arresting Wind tunnel that pulls in nearby objects and opponents, dealing with AoE Anemo DMG.

As of now, the updated Elemental burst action is not available but players can expect that Heizou might provide some more Anemo DMG and become a great assist for Kazuha, who is also anticipated to have a rerun in the 2.8 update. Genshin Impact 2.8 leaks also revealed that some minor changes to Heizou’s C2 were made. His previous constellations were:
“C2: When the Fudou Style Vacuum Slugger created by the Windmuster kick explodes, it pulls nearby opponents in”
With the new constellation, Heizou’s elemental burst will be enhanced as the leak claims that the pull effect of the Arresting Windtunnel created by Windmuster Kick is enhanced, and its duration is increased to 1s. This will help to deal more with Anemo DMG with his Elemental Burst.

Genshin Impact 2.8 leaks have already unveiled the entire kit of the character including his Elemental Skill, Elemental Burst, and constellations. At this moment, it is predicted that he will be seen in the second phase of the 2.8 update in the banner of Kazuha but we recommend the players to wait for more accurate leaks.
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