Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks hint on a third character banner

Genshin Impact upcoming characters in 3.0 update
With the release of the 3.0 update coming closer day by day, some new Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks are coming forward. While one reveals partial details on the content of story or Archon quest, other reveal information on character or weapon banner.
One of those leaks has stated that the initial Sumeru update is going to bring three character event wishes, providing a suspense as to which mystery character is making his appearance in this patch. While it is known that it is likely going to be a rerun character, the excitement remains the same.
Read More: Genshin Impact 3.0 update to fix alternate sprint feature for Ayaka, Sayu and others
New Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks: Sumeru to begin with 3 character banners

Travelers getting 3 different character banners in a single patch happens once in a blue moon in Genshin Impact as the last time such a rare event occurred in the game was during the 1.3 update. Now, Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks have suggested a similar phenomenon that blew away the mind of several players.
HoYoverse had confirmed three new characters for the upcoming patch where Sumeru Arc commences. These characters- Tighnari, Collei and Dori will join the Traveler’s party in three different phases. The first Dendro character has already got a partial showcase in one of the official teasers.

A prominent leaker in the community, Lumie provided fans with some fresh Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks earlier today where the release dates of the upcoming characters got confirmed, considering the leaker’s previous track record. These new arrivals will become playable in-
- Tighnari and Collei (24th August)
- Dori (14th September)
Their release dates are estimated on the usual pattern that HoYoverse follows while releasing a new update. As Dori is a 4-star character, it was considered that she is going to receive her rate up in the rerun banners of Ganyu and Zhongli, one of the most popular banners of the game that could arrive during the 2nd anniversary.
However, new Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks indicate a third banner. This, however, does not imply that the update will be shortened to fit the three banners during an update schedule (42 days). It is also unknown as to which 5-star character will be featured during this third banner phase, therefore, this information should be taken skeptically.

The 1.3 update of the game added the banners of Xiao, Keqing and Hu Tao and each of them recorded massive sales. It seems like the developers are planning something bigger for their game’s second anniversary which is supposed to happen in the month of September this year.
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Also Read: Genshin Impact reveals the upcoming playable Sumeru characters in recent teaser
Also Read: Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks: Tighnari likely to be added in standard banner