Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks: Tighnari likely to be added in standard banner

Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks: Tighnari likely to be added in standard banner

Tighnari to be added in the standard banner of Genshin Impact

With the long-anticipated release of Dendro element, it is expected that the game’s meta will be highly affected with this addition. Not only the game’s meta but Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks are hinting on some other major changes as well.

One of those changes could be the availability of Tighnari, the upcoming 5-star Dendro character in the standard banner of the game. The first Dendro male character is sure to attract a lot of pulls which is why HoYoverse might have decided to make a Dendro character permanently available.

Read More: Genshin Impact reveals the upcoming playable Sumeru characters in recent teaser

Tighnari to become a permanent character as per, Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks

Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks: Tighnari likely to be added in standard banner

Standard banner in Genshin Impact has five different characters for each element. This banner rarely changed in the game since its launch on 2020. However, Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks hint that the banner could indeed have some changes starting from the 3.0 update scheduled to release in the month of August.

The 3.0 update is going to unlock the third Archon Quest, ‘Truth Amongst the pages of Purana’ and also allow the footsteps of the Travelers to reach Sumeru. A greater excitement, however, lies for the character banners of this patch. Tighnari will undoubtedly break the community given her bow attacks are quite similar to Ganyu, one of the most overpowered characters in the game.

Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks: Tighnari likely to be added in standard banner
Tighnari is the first Dendro character

Apart from Tighnari, Collei and Dori are also going to become playable in the game starting from the 3.0 update. As Tighnari is the first Dendro character, there was a possibility that he could get added to the Standard character pool and Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks have just confirmed that.

The leaks have come from Uncle Chasm whose track records are quite reliable. With the addition of Tighnari in the standard banner, players will be able to wish for the following 5-star characters with the help of Acquaint Fate-

  • Diluc (Pyro)
  • Keqing (Electro)
  • Qiqi (Cryo)
  • Jean (Anemo)
  • Mona (Hydro)
  • Tighnari (Dendro)
Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks: Tighnari likely to be added in standard banner
Standard banner

Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks earlier stated that Tighnari’s character event wishes will be available in the first phase of the 3.0 update. Therefore, it is likely that he is going to be added in the Standard banner after his banner gets removed from the character event wish.

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