Genshin Impact Bartender Event: How to make the drinks in Day 3?

Genshin Impact Bartender Event: How to make the drinks in Day 3?

Genshin Impact Bartender Event Day 3

After exploring the wild and dark regions of Enkanomiya in the Gateway Event, Travelers are currently enjoying a fun and relaxing Genshin Impact Bartender Event where they need to mix up and serve drinks to the familiar faces of the game.

Officially named as Genshin Impact Of Drink-A Dreaming Event, the Traveler and Paimon are recruited by Luka, a NPC that can be found at the Angelโ€™s Share Tavern in Monstadt. As Travelers have already met many characters and interacted with them to make their non-alcoholic drinks, they are now proceeding towards the third day of Tavern Tales to inch closer towards earning primogems.

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Genshin Impact Bartender Event Day 3 Guide

The third day of Genshin Impact Bartender Event marks the end of Tavern Tales as players will be able to unlock all the recipes and interact with every character. For the third day, Travelers will be required to make 4 drinks and the characters that will be seen in the last day are- Beidou, Ningguang, Eula and Shenhe.

Eula- Foamy Reef

Genshin Impact Bartender Event: How to make the drinks in Day 3?
Image Credits: Taka GG

Eula is a 5-star playable Cryo character in the game who is the first visitor at Angelโ€™s Share Tavern at the third day of the event. She has ordered a Foamy Reef and here is how players can make the drinks easily-

  • Add coffee two times for the foundation
  • Add Fizzy Water for a single time
  • Use the arrows as displayed on the screen to stir the drink and take a small cup for serving

Ningguang- Birch Sap

Genshin Impact Bartender Event: How to make the drinks in Day 3?
Image Credits: Taka GG

Ningguang is a 4-star Geo character that could be obtained for free during the Lantern Rite Event in the 2.4 update. She visits the bar along with Beidou and orders a Birch Sap.

  • Add Juice two times for the foundation
  • Add Lemonx1 for the flavoring
  • Mix the drink with the help of the arrows and select a small cup

Beidou- Dusk

Genshin Impact Bartender Event: How to make the drinks in Day 3?
Image Credits: Taka GG

As mentioned previously, Beidou visits the bar with Ningguang. She is a 4-star Electro polearm character that can be obtained from the standard banner. Here is how to make her drink

  • Add Teax1 and Juicex2 for the foundation
  • Mix the drink using the arrows and select a large cup as mentioned in her order

Shenhe- Snow-Covered Kiss

Genshin Impact Bartender Event: How to make the drinks in Day 3?
Image Credits: Taka GG

Shenhe recently celebrated her birthday in the game where Travelers received a new recipe in their mail box. She has ordered a Snow-Covered Kiss and here is how players can prepare the drink.

  • Add Juice two times
  • Add Milk for the flavoring and mix the drink
  • Select the medium cup and serve it to Shenhe

After making all the drinks in Genshin Impact Bartneder Event Day 3, players can unlock additional recipes for the Bartender Challenge where they need to prepare drinks for several customers at a given time. The Genshin Impact Bartender Event will provide the players with a name card as well as 300 primogems.

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