Genshin Impact Heizou leaks suggest the possible release date of character’s banner

Genshin Impact Shikanoin Heizou release date
Shikanoin Heizou is the latest Anemo character who is all set to join the game, once the 2.8 update releases on July. Fortunately, players have been able to get a lot of Genshin Impact Heizou leaks that reveal information on his kit as well as his release date.
The drip marketing of Shikanoin Heizou gave a lease of life to the users who had gone inactive in the game due to the delay of the 2.7 update. With Heizou’s revelation, things started normalising and the community has been active since then. Some latest leaks have also revealed the character’s release date.
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Genshin Impact Heizou leaks: Release date of Shikanoin Heizou
The last known Inazuman character known in the game will finally become playable in the 2.8 update which, according to the official announcement, releases on 13th July. Heizou is the detective of Tenryou commission who has a cheerful and lively personality and as a result, Travelers are eager to meet him.
Even though his release date is confirmed to be in the 2.8 update, fans are wondering whether he will be available in the first or second phase. Much to our surprise, Genshin Impact Heizou leaks has stated that Shikanoin Heizou’s banner will be available in the first phase which makes his release date on July 13th.

It is important to note that Heizou is a character with 4-star rarity which means he’s likely to be featured in the banner of a 5-star character. Some Genshin Impact 2.8 leaks stated that Klee is going to have her rerun banner during the first phase of 2.8 update followed by Kazuha and Yoimiya in the second phase.
Some previous Genshin Impact Heizou leaks mentioned that Heizou is likely to appear in the rerun banner of Kazuha since he’s an Anemo 5-star character but the current leaks suggest otherwise. Nevertheless, players are ardently waiting to claim this character since he’s going to be the first male catalyst user.

The current Genshin Impact Heizou leaks are subjected to change which means his release can also be pushed to the second phase of 2.8 update. In any case, players should start farming for Heizou.
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