Genshin Impact leaks provide an early model of Sumeru region

Genshin Impact leaks provide an early model of Sumeru region

Genshin Impact Sumeru model

After Inazuma, the new region to be unlocked in the game is Sumeru which will introduce the Dendro element. The latest Genshin Impact leaks in a gameplay video have unveiled an early model of the new region named Sumeru.

The world of Teyvat is getting bigger eventually with every new patch released in the game. Following the release of the Island nation Enkanomiya, players have now set for exploration in the deep underground mines of The Chasm which has been added in the 2.6 update along with a new character named Kamisato Ayato.

Read More: Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks reveal details on Collei and the upcoming region Sumeru

Genshin Impact leaks: Sumeru model revealed

Several Genshin Impact leaks have claimed that The Chasm will run for two patches which means players will be able to explore the dark mines till the 2.8 update. Another claim made is that 2.8 will be the last patch before Sumeru is released in the 3.0 update which quite justifies Chasm being available for two patches.

Since The Chasm is an expansion of Liyue, fans are speculating that the area might serve as the gateway to the Sumeru nation. Out of all the nations in Teyvat, Sumeru seems to be the most exciting one since it is going to add a new character who will use the Dendro element. As of now, we have been only able to see Dendro slimes and Dendro mages lurking around.

Genshin Impact leaks provide an early model of Sumeru region
Sumeru model leaks

Fortunately, a new detail from Genshin Impact leaks has been revealed by Lumie, a renowned Genshin Impact leaker who in the sub-Reddit community of the game has uploaded a video where Ganyu can be seen flying above a new region, this new region is apparently Sumeru, the Dendro nation.

As shown in the video, players can see a giant tree which has been shown several times by Genshin Impact leaks through rough sketches. As the Dendro element is related to natural elements such as trees and flowers, a giant tree representing Sumeru nation is not a surprise. However, the fact that this has been shown in a video for the first time makes it more interesting.

As of now, there are certain characters such as Baizhu and Yaoyao which had been shown in the game previously are most likely to use the Dendro element along with Collei, a popular character in the manga of Genshin Impact. Some other Genshin Impact leaks had also provided a rough model of the Dendro Archon.

Genshin Impact leaks provide an early model of Sumeru region
Baizhu might be a Dendro character

The Dendro Archon will apparently be the youngest Archon according to Zhongli, the Geo Archon in the game. Now all that is left is waiting for Sumeru to be released in the game.

Also Read: Genshin Impact 2.8 leaks hint on the rerun banners of Kazuha and 2 Pyro characters