Genshin Impact reveals Yae Miko’s character teaser, skills, voice artists and more

Genshin Impact reveals Yae Miko’s character teaser, skills, voice artists and more

Yae Miko in Genshin Impact

It is a matter of almost one week that Yae Miko, the Chief Priestess of the Grand Narukami Shrine and bosom friend of Raiden Shougun becomes playable in the upcoming update that Genshin Impact has earlier today revealed the necessary details of this 5-star character.

The central focus of Genshin Impact’s new update will be the Inazuma region, which features known characters such as Raiden Shougun, Kokomi and others. However, the most anticipated character of all remains Yae Miko, whose gameplay was displayed only through leaks as of now. Players can barely contain their excitement to get their hands on this priestess’ powers who is an Electro catalyst user.

Read More: Genshin Impact 2.6 leaks claim Kamisato Ayato to be a DPS character

Genshin Impact Yae Miko details revealed

Yae Miko release date

Genshin Impact reveals Yae Miko's character teaser, skills, voice artists and more
Yae Miko

Yae Miko is the head shrine maiden in charge of the Grand Narukami Shrine and the intimidating editor-in-chief of the Yae Publishing House. According to the story, Yae Miko’s intelligence is kept hidden under hear beauty. The character as well as her combat abilities are filled with elegance.

Yae Miko will be present in the first banner of Genshin Impact 2.5 update as 5-star character. Therefore, her release is expected around February, 16,2022. Although, it is important to note that her release time might differ in various regions.

Yae Miko skills

Genshin Impact reveals Yae Miko's character teaser, skills, voice artists and more
Yae Miko’s combat skills

Yae Miko is an Electro-Catalyst user whose signature weapon is going to be the Kagura’s Verity, a 5 star weapon that will be available in her banner. She provides excellent Electro DMG constantly even when she’s off-field.

Normal Attacks and Charged Attacks: Yae Miko’s Normal Attacks called the Spiritfox Sin Eater summons kitsune spirits that deal 3 consecutive Electro DMG attacks to the enemies. Her charged attacks uses up quite a stamina but deals a large AoE DMG.

Elemental Skill (Yakan Evocation: Sesshou Sakura): Her elemental skill allows her to leave 3 Sesshou Sakuras behind as she moves swiftly across the enemies. These Sakuras deal Electro DMG periodically to the enemies, therefore, she can be a great character for crowd control.

Elemental Burst (Great Secret Art: Tenko Kenshin): The elemental burst of the 5-star character summons a lightning strike that hits the ground. As expected earlier, it covers a large AoE DMG and in addition to that, the existing Sakuras will turn into Kitsune Thunderbolts once her Elemental Burst is activated.

Yae Miko Voice Artist

Genshin Impact reveals Yae Miko's character teaser, skills, voice artists and more
Voice artists

Genshin Impact has revealed that Yae Miko’s Japanese voice artist is Ayane Sakura who has worked in a prominent number of anime series and video games. Here are some of her notable works:

  • Attack on Titan: Gabi
  • My Hero Academia – Ochako Uraraka / Reiko Yanagi
  • NEO: The Word Ends with You – Ayano Kamachi
YouTube video

The English voice actress of Yae Miko is a talented Filipino, Ratana. She has lent her voice in a number of famous works which have been mentioned below:

  • Marvel Super War- Wave
  • Dynasty Warriors 9- Lianshi
  • Fallout 76- Kiyomi/ RaRa

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