Genshin Impact Yelan and Xiao banner: Release date and 4-star characters leaked

Genshin Impact Yelan and Xiao banner leaks
Even though the 2.7 update was postponed, the 2.8 beta testing recruitment started in China. As a consequence, several leaks regarding upcoming characters are pouring in. The latest ones display Genshin Impact Yelan and Xiao banner providing us with its release date which means the 2.7 update release date as well as the 4-star characters of the banner.
Several fans had speculated the the game would lose its player base as a an estimated release date for the release of 2.7 update wasn’t provided. The developers, on the other hand, surprised everyone with the drip marketing of Heizou. Moreover, some credible sources just revealed the Genshin Impact Yelan and Xiao banner.
Read More: Genshin Impact Shikanoin Heizou to be the first male-catalyst user, as per reliable leaks
Genshin Impact Yelan and Xiao banner leaks
Yelan and Kuki Shinobu are the two characters that are going to become playable in the 2.7 update. The respective Hydro and Electro characters looked quite unique from their in-game animations and players can barely wait to get their hands on these characters.
A new leak provided by UBatcha as well as various other sources has revealed the 4-star characters of Genshin Impact Yelan and Xiao banner. The 5-star Anemo character, Xiao is apparently going to have a rerun banner again as he will play a crucial role in the upcoming story quest. These are the 4-star characters in their banner-

- Yanfei
- Noelle
- Barbara
Yanfei is another important character in the upcoming patch and her arrival was confirmed from the leaked promo art of the 2.7 update. It was earlier stated that Yelan and Xiao will have their banners together in the first phase whereas the second phase will see the banner of Arataki Itto where Kuki Shinobu will be present as a 4-star character.
This was also confirmed by UBatcha where he mentioned that the in-game data mentions that the release date of Genshin Impact Yelan and Xiao banner is kept at 31st May whereas Kuki Shinobu’s release date is set at 21st June. This confirms the release date of Genshin Impact 2.7 update but players should wait for the official confirmation.

As the banners of 2.7 update have been leaked along with information on Shikanoin Heizou, it is expected that Genshin Impact will soon make an announcement on the status of the next patch. Meanwhile, players should collect the 400 compensation primogems from the game tomorrow.
Also Read: Shikanoin Heizou in Genshin Impact: Elemental Skill, Burst, in-game animations leaked