How to complete the Oceanic Defender challenge in Genshin Impact

How to complete the Oceanic Defender challenge in Genshin Impact

Oceanic Defender challenge

Oceanic Defender challenge in Genshin Impact is the third phase of Lantern Rite Event 2022 which is known as Fleeting Colors of Flight in the current update. The anticipated event had gone live a few days ago, however, the last part was unlocked today.

Lantern Rite Event 2022 was the most anticipated event of the Genshin Impact 2.4 update as players can unlock a free 4-star Liyue character including Yun Jin as well as Ningguang’s new outfit, Orchid’s Evening Gown. These rewards can be obtained with special currencies such as Talismans and by completing the Oceanic Defender challenge in Genshin Impact, players can get primogems as well as Talismans.

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Oceanic Defender challenge in Genshin Impact guide

For unlocking the Oceanic Defender challenge in Genshin Impact, players should hold Adventure Rank 28 or above, they should also have completed Chapter I: Act III โ€“ A New Star Approaches, and Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act I โ€“ The Crane Returns on the Wind.

The Oceanic Defender challenge in Genshin Impact will teleport the players near Guyun Store forest where they need to defeat three different heads of the Oceanic Monster, Beisht (Osial’s wife). There are a total of six different tasks in the Oceanic Defender Challenge in Genshin Impact that is required to be completed if players wish to obtain all the rewards.

How to complete the Oceanic Defender challenge in Genshin Impact
  • Complete the challenge 1 time in total
  • Complete the challenge 3 times in total
  • Complete the challenge 6 times in total
  • Defeat Beisht before she can dive 4 times
  • Defeat Beisht before being hit by her Jadestream attack

Defeat Beisht before she can dive 4 times

YouTube video

Players will encounter only head of Beisht at the beginning of the challenge. However, later on, more heads will appear. It is important to note that players need to focus on one head at a time before the head dives in the water. We recommend the use of Pyro and Electro characters to give Elemental Burst DMG every time the head of Beisht appears in front of the character.

Defeat Beisht before being hit by her Jadestream attack

How to complete the Oceanic Defender challenge in Genshin ImpactHow to complete the Oceanic Defender challenge in Genshin Impact
Jadestream Attack

Jadestream Attack is one of the most powerful attack of Beisht that covers a large area. She will lower her head to suck nearby players in front of her and deal consistent Hydro DMG after that. Players should remember to keep their characters away from the red area in order to avoid DMG. A shield using character such as Zhongli or Noelle would be recommended here.

Completing these two challenges will provide the players with Mora and Hero’s wit whereas the rest three challenges will give the players with a total of 180 primogems as well as Conquest Talismans which can be exchanged for the event rewards.

Also Read: Genshin Impact: How to achieve Conquest Talisman and get a free 4 star character