How to defeat the Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact quickly?

How to defeat the Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact quickly?

Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact

Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact is a boss that many Travelers find annoying as defeating the enemy takes up a huge amount of time. Fortunately, a Reddit user has found a quick and easy way to defeat this Normal Boss that spawns around the Tsurumi Island.

The world of Genshin Impact is filled with a lot of strange enemies starting from the hilichurls, rifthounds to formidable bosses which players need to defeat if they wish to obtain Mora, Primogems and increase their Adventure Ranks. However, it is not easy as it sounds as many bosses require a sound strategy. Here we provide the method brought forward by a Reddit user to defeat this boss quickly.

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Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact

Players can find the Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact near the southern pattern of Tsurumi Island and players entering the 2.5 Spiral Abyss must slay this boss in order to enter the domain. As players do not really wish to waste their time on Spiral Abyss as it yields less stars, it is crucial to find a quick to defeat the boss.

Fortunately, a player has figured how the shells of the Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact can be broken easily and the boss can be defeated within a couple of minutes. The video displays the 5-star Geo character Zhongli using his Elemental Skill and Burst simultaneously to destroy the skulls of Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact.

How to defeat the Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact quickly?
Geo users

As the enemy has to be defeated in two phases, the second phase gets quite tricky as the Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact releases three skulls which deal constant damage. The video shows Zhongli placing his pillars through his Elemental Skill and around the three skulls and finally unleashing his Elemental Burst that covers a huge AoE.

YouTube video

A Geo character is crucial to defeat Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact. If players were not able to pull Zhongli on his rerun banner, they can use Ningguangg which is available in the standard banner permanently. It is important to build Ningguangg correctly if players wish to defeat the boss quickly.

How to defeat the Golden Wolfhord in Genshin Impact quickly?

Apart from Geo characters, players should always take a healer along with them as they are resistant towards the corrosion. Kokomi, Qiqi and Barbara are some exceptional healers in the game.

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