HoYoverse announces weekly primogems for Genshin Impact 2.7 delay as compensation

Genshin Impact 2.7 compensation
Genshin Impact 2.7 delay had led to a series of speculations and rumors whether the developers will provide compensation for the postponement of the update or introduce a filler banner. Surprisingly, it was announced yesterday that players will be provide with a weekly compensation of primogems and other rewards.
The alarming situation of the pandemic in China has found repercussions in the gaming industry of the country as Shanghai is the hub for several game developers such as Tencent and HoYoverse. This had unfortunately led to Genshin Impact 2.7 delay which was scheduled to get released on May 11th.
Read More: Genshin Impact 2.6 update Phase 3 events: Spices from the West and more announced
Genshin Impact 2.7 delay: Weekly primogems to be given as compensation
The Genshin Impact 2.7 delay had sparked some surprising reaction from the fans as they were quite considerate about the health of the developers rather than getting the update on time. On the other hand, some players pointed out that the game might become dead if the developers don’t issue compensation primogems.
Fortunately, in an official announcement made by the developers, it was announced that they are still working with the project of the next update and as a result of the delay, they will be issuing out the following rewards to the Genshin Impact Travelers every week.

- Primogem x400
- Fragile Resin x1
- Hero’s Wit x7
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x16
- Mora x 120,000
This compensation will be given in an interval of every week starting from 11th May which was apparently the date when the 2.7 update was scheduled to release. Players should note that Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 5 are eligible for this reward. The compensation mail for Genshin Impact 2.7 delay will expire after 30 days, therefore, players should collect the rewards on time.
Another important thing to mention here is that the primogems issued in the final week before the next update rolls out will be reduced if the gap between the primogems issue date and update roll out is less than a week. In the meantime, players can also take part in the events announced for Phase 3 of 2.6 update.

Events such as the Overflowing Mastery, Marvelous Merchandise will be present in the game along with the extended banner of 5-star Cryo character, Ayaka in the third phase of Genshin Impact 2.6 update.
Also Read: Where to find the merchant Liben in Genshin Impact Marvelous Merchandise 2.6?