Is Xiao worth pulling in Genshin Impact 2.7 update?

Is Xiao still worth it?
Xiao will be having his second rerun in 2022 as the first phase of Genshin Impact 2.7 update is going to introduce the new banner of Hydro character Yelan and the rerun banner of Xiao who is going to play a crucial role when the Travelers embark on a journey to The Chasm to unravel the mystery surrounding the Electro Yaksha.
However, the question that arises in some of the player’s mind, specially F2P is that whether it is wise to summon Xiao in the 2.7 patch considering that now there other Anemo options as well. This article will help the players in deciding so.
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Should you summon Xiao in Genshin Impact 2.7 update?
With the limited number of primogems in the game, it is crucial to consider the pros and cons of every character before pulling for their in character banner wishes. Xiao’s rerun was one of the most unexpected thing in Genshin Impact 2.7 update but if players are considering to pull for him, they should once go through this article.
Pros and Cons
Notwithstanding the fact that Xiao is one of the best Anemo DPS character in the game who perfectly fits in hyper carry team compositions, his kit is quite old if we consider the gameplay mechanics of recent updates and newly introduced enemies. For instance, the new mechanic Corrosion has restricted the number of teams Xiao could be put in.

Xiao’s elemental burst makes him dependable on healers or shield characters, as a result, it is wise to pull for him only if you have an outstanding healer in your team. Another thing to consider here is that, Xiao’s plunging attacks require him for an enemy control support but they aren’t compatible right now due to the resistance of enemies from crowd control.
Vermillion Hereafter
Coming to the artifact introduced in the 2.6 update which is apparently considered as the signature artifact of Xiao, Vermillion Hereafter may not be just the ideal artifact for him. The reason for this is that the DMG dealt by 4-piece Vermillion Hereafter, which is quite hard to find is quite similar to the usual artifacts of Xiao such as Shimenawa’s Reminiscence.
This makes him not really worth pulling in Genshin Impact 2.7 update if you have other DPS characters who specialize in giving physical attack DMG.
Overall verdict

Xiao’s rerun in Genshin Impact 2.7 update can be beneficial for the players who would like to keep a Yaksha in their team. Not to mention that he is a good DPS character as well but if you’re someone who was expecting big Anemo buffs on Xiao, then the character might be quite disappointing.
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