Should you pull for Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact 2.7 update?

Should you pull for Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact 2.7 update?

Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact

Players will soon be receiving the rerun banner of Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact which will feature a new character named Kuki Shinobu who is a 4-star Electro healer. While Shinobu is a welcome addition, players were surprised to see Itto getting a rerun considering that he was only released in the 2.3 update.

The one and oni Arataki Itto is one of the most liveliest character to be present in the game. Players will love to interact with this Geo character with 5-star rarity who has some highly strong physical attacks that can even surpass other DPS character, but is he worth pulling in the current update? Here is what players should consider.

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Is Itto worth it in Genshin Impact 2.7 update?

Every F2P player has to make some crucial decisions on Genshin Impact considering their limited options for the resources. As a consequence, it is better to proceed with caution if you’re planning to summon Arataki Itto, the Deputy of the Arataki Gang. Here, we dive into the pros and cons of this Geo character.

Character Overview: Hyper Carry & F2P Friendly

Itto uses the Geo Claymore combination and is a hyper carry DPS character that does not depend upon other characters much. However, this implies that he requires much field time such as Eula and Xiao. Focusing on his Normal and Charged attacks, Itto has an interesting gameplay mechanics and is one of the few Hyper carry character to have low cooldown time.

Should you pull for Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact 2.7 update?
Character Overview

Itto is also a very friendly character for F2P builds and does not require much rare artifacts or weapons. As Itto’s attacks scales with his defense, players can use their defense based artifacts on the character. He can also make good use of F2P weapons such as White Bind.

Itto in the current meta

In the current meta or specifically saying in the current Spiral Abyss that focuses on Anemo characters, Itto’s credibility can be questioned by the players. Fortunately, Itto’s attacks are highly powerful against a hoard of enemies. Players can make use of crowd control through Anemo and then unleash out Itto’s attacks.

YouTube video

However, being one of the Geo characters, it can undoubtedly be said that the team compositions for Itto are very limited. One of the few characters that can utilize Itto is Gorou, another 4-star Geo character. As for the constellation, players should only pull if they like the character and of course, it will increase his damage output but it is always better to pull for a new 5-star.

Pros and Cons

One of the strongest benefit for Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact is that he does not really have energy issues in DPS team compositions but it is always better to run Itto on Geo support. In addition to that, he has an excellent damage output and large Geo AoE.

The primary drawback of the character is that he has very limited option when it comes to team composition. Moreover, Itto becomes really slow against the enemies that requires to break shields and his team rotation takes intense amount of practise to master.

Should you pull?

Should you pull for Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact 2.7 update?
Worth pulling?

To conclude on the decision as to whether you should pull for Itto in Genshin Impact 2.7 update, the character is definitely one of the best hyper carry option and quite unique in his gameplay. However, if you pull Itto then it is better to stick with mono Geo teams as his true potential comes out from Geo supports only.

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