Should you pull for Kokomi in the upcoming Genshin Impact 2.5 banner?

Should you summon Kokomi?
After Yae Miko finally became playable in the current update, players have set their eyes upon the upcoming Genshin Impact 2.5 banner which will mark the return of two characters that is Raiden Shogun and Kokomi. Now the question arises, that whether Kokomi is worthy of the primogems that players are going to spend.
Before pulling for any character, it is always important to consider the fact whether players lack that element or the combat role in their current party. Sangonomiya Kokomi is the Inazuman character who uses her Hydro Catalyst abilities to heal her party members as well provide damage to the enemies. Here we bring up the points that would help the players to decide whether or not to root in for Kokomi in the next Genshin Impact 2.5 banner.

Read More: Genshin Impact 2.5: Raiden Shogun rerun banner scheduled release date
Is Kokomi worth it in Genshin Impact 2.5 banner?
Many players consider Kokomi to be the weakest Genshin Impact character till date which is evident from her poor banner sales. But during the recent updates, Kokomi is eventually getting useful as a Sub DPS character. While it is true that her damage potential is a concern compared to other 5-star characters, Kokomi’s strength lies in her hydro application and her healing.
Surprisingly in some cases, she might even surpass other Hydro characters like Childe or Xingqui if she is built in the correct manner. When Kokomi was released for the first time, most of the meta was focused on shield characters but with the recent updates and new event like Three Realms of Gateway Offering, she is actually more viable than any other character.

Kokomi mains will agree to the fact that her strength lies in her Elemental skill which summons a jellyfish that gives constant Hydro application as well as heal the nearby party members. This will help the players to keep their team members alive and simultaneously focus on elemental reactions if they are using Cryo or Electro as the main DPS.
Another important thing to consider is that Kokomi might be the best character in the upcoming Genshin Impact 2.5 banner who can use the Oathsworn Eye effectively if players focus on building her with HP sub stat. Oathsworn Eye will be provided for free once players complete the Three Realms of Gateway Offering.

On the other hand, if players already have her then we do not recommend pulling for her in the next Genshin Impact 2.5 banner as her constellations do not provide the expected damage. That being said, players who do not have a healer should definitely pull for Kokomi as she is going to become more useful with the upcoming patches considering the high demand of healers in front of new enemies like Shadowy Husks.
Also Read: Genshin Impact 2.5: Should one pull Raiden Shogun in the upcoming banner?