Hogwarts Legacy update: Major bugs fixes, gameplay improvement, and much more
Devs have tried to fix every existing bug with this update in Hogwarts Legacy.

Avalanche Software has released a new update for Hogwarts Legacy. The update addresses many issues related to gameplay, audio, visuals, etc. Although Hogwarts Legacy’s day-one release was fortunately polished enough to avoid the need for urgent fresh updates, Avalanche has today released a significant amount of fixes for the game.
This is the second major update after the Day-One patch. It is available to download on your devices. This patch is exclusively focused on fixing any random bugs or other issues that players have discovered. Whether these issues are related to crashing, graphic difficulties, or speed, Avalanche has now significantly improved Hogwarts Legacy to make it a better product than it was before.
Here are the patch notes for the 8 March update in Hogwarts Legacy.
Related – How to find the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy 8 March update patch notes

PC update
Bug Fixes
- Online
- Improve network registration and tracking for player accounts.
- DLC-related problems in the pause and gear menus have been fixed.
- Resolved DLC flying mount inventory issue where it can have disappeared mid-mission.
- Gameplay
- Missions:
- Unlocking the bandit camp cage before the quest began caused a blocker. Devs have fixed this error.
- An issue where players were not able to complete a quest due to the disappearance of Madam Kogawa from her desk during the conversation.
- Sometimes player’s avatar would get stuck between the barrel and the furnace when they jump or open the tool wheel. This issue has been fixed.
- Fixed a duplicate collision adjacent to a store entryway.
- Waypoints in Hogsmeade that should have been on the ground were in the air due to a bug that has been fixed.
- the objective maker has been fixed so that it was appropriately above Fig after the waiting period.
- Fixed missing exit prompts on a few Hogwarts doors.
- Fixed an issue where mission progression is not impacted by opening butterfly chests other than the ones required for a given quest.
- Fixed an issue where butterflies don’t appear at the specified area so that the player can ascend in the quest.
- Incorrect merge mission progression has been fixed.
- Fixed stability issues while in the classroom of the potion.
- Players can see stars with a telescope from Astronomy class while on low settings.
- The star brightness and pop issue while playing Astronomy mini-game has been fixed.
- When playing Crossing Wands side quest, fixed an issue where shields do not display properly.
- Broom Fight
- Players becoming stuck while riding a broom or rotating a statue has been fixed.
- Fixed landing issue on Viaduct Bridge.
- When the avatar mounts the broom after teleporting into an open space, the mesh no longer breaks.
- Flash and shuttering issue while mounting on broom has been fixed
- World Events
- Fixed wagon carts colliding with each other when the avatar prevents it.
- One Man Band in Hogsmeade no longer duplicates itself occasionally.
- Characters
- Fixed issue with characters that do not have hair.
- Broom speed parameters have been fixed.
- Resolved a bug where opponent shields would vanish after taking many hits.
- Constellation visibility is fixed at the astronomy table.
- Fixed Lightning VFX strike from the Dark Wizard Extortionist AOE lingering on screen.
- Missions:
- Audio
- Adapted the waterfall’s soundtrack based on the closeness of avatars to the cliffside.
- Recent soundbank updates for audio.
- localization issues and proper playback of the VO selection have been fixed.
- UI
- Localization strings have been updated.
- Fixed female avatar face during gameplay looking differently from the creation preview.
- Fixed transition between the UI buy window and the compelled vendor interaction.
- Fixed map showing an incorrect route to map chamber.
- When an enemy is struck by a transformation or an ancient magic throw, the damage is no longer displayed.
- Tracking has been improved for Room of Requirement.
- Resolved Ansel issue with a high FOV setting.
- UI controller icons are now displayed according to the controller platform type.
- Cinematics
- Facial Animations have been fixed.
- LOD pop and fuzzy texture have been fixed.
- NPC treadmilling during the House Cup has been fixed.
- Fixed Avatar robes appearing before Fig makes them appear before the sorting ceremony.
- Raytracing
- Improve stability and performance after prolonged playthroughs.
- Enhance VFX performance while raytracing.
- Raytracing buffers can be batch processed and cached to increase performance.
- To improve BVH performance, fog volumes were removed.
- Decal issues with RTAO are now fixed.
- The trees’ shadows have been fixed.
- Directional light shadows have been fixed.
- Improved performance of the culling of lights in the frontend.
- Save Games
- An issue where players were not able to talk to vendors after sequential saves have been finally fixed.
- Streaming issues were resolved after loading a manual save and getting the “Dung Bomb” field guide.
- Resolved a problem when loading an auto-save and turning off the title might result in an endless loading screen during the closing credits.
- The avatar’s voice pitch setting saving bug has been fixed.
- Performance and Stability
- Hogwarts streaming issues have been fixed.
- Fixed a problem that occurred when the player sees the common room.
- The skeletal mesh crash was fixed.
- Crash while reading dictionary files has been fixed.
- Deflection impacts no long crash Hogwarts Legacy.
- Fixed performance when elevated Thornback Ambusher was used as the finisher for an old magic squash finisher in the Rune Door arena.
- Improve the rendering speed of transparent objects.
- A Crash during a story graph has been fixed.
- Fixed streaming of plants in the Slytherin Common Room.
- Eliminated numerous memory leaks.
- The map icon state crash has been fixed.
- A Crash with an invalid UI has been fixed.
- While moving about Hogwarts, fixed streaming out of the Great Hall.
- Crash when utilizing explosive barrels has been fixed.
- The crash while casting the Incendio spell has been fixed.
- Crash when using explosive barrels has been fixed.
- Using The Accios, Confringo, and Stupefy spells will no longer crash Hogwarts Legacy.
- A crash when updating gear items has been fixed.
- Fixed Solomon’s shields crash recurrent crash.
- The crash with mount zones has been fixed.
- A crash during combat cursed lifetime has been fixed.
- Crash during and spawning race on broom has been fixed
- Fixed shadow filtering issue With doors opening and closing.
- The occlusion culling issue has been resolved.
- Resolved a crash that occurred when traveling to Professor Fig’s lesson.
- Fixed crashes caused by the Niagara and related Effects for destructible objects.
- Resolved a crash when damage over time was improperly registered.
- Fixed a crash when the spawning actor was not being stored correctly.
- the character creation-related crash has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue related to actor spawning
- Fixed optimization animation instancing.
- Fixed crash with moving stairs.
- Fixed crash with VFX after prolonged play-throughs.
- Fixed crash-related transformations in Overland.
- Fixed crash dealing with object state.
- Fixed crash with a parry in combat.
- Fixed crash with VFX AOE.
- Fixed crash with hints.
- Fixed crash with achievements with an invalid online user ID.
- Fixed crash while speaking to Rackham.
- Fixed crash when using Wingardium.
- Fixed performance drops experienced during the longevity of the game.
- Fixed performance drop while being in the Divination classroom.
- Improve VRAM usage, especially for video cards with reduced memory.
- Fixed raytracing lighting performance in the front end.
- Fixed using Ansel while a spell is being cast.
- Fixed using Ansel while the avatar is riding a broom.
- Display
- An issue with the 32:9 aspect ratio on an ultrawide monitor has been fixed.
- Fixed Ansel problem with excessive FOV
- Miscellaneous
- Updated legal lines and “Special Thanks” credits.
- Updated minimum recommendations for video drivers from AMD and Nvidia.
Console Update
The fixes for PS5 and Xbox Series X are majorly the same as mentioned above. Here are some exclusive updates for the console version of Hogwarts Legacy.
PlayStation 5
- Gameplay
- Characters
- Fixed character lip-sync animation when “Original Audio” is set.
- Characters
- Cinematics
- Fixed localized VO not playing correctly when set to “Original Audio” is set.
- Controllers
- Improve LED effects.
- Activities and Game Help
- Improve Activities performance update and memory usage.
- Update to Game Help hints and videos.
Xbox Series X
- Cinematics
- Fixed black flickering on the character’s face.
- Fixed graphical glitches with Fig’s head when he first opens the door. .
- Fixed shadow flicker in a tea cup.
- Performance and Stability
- Improved frame rate performance issue when dismissing the contextual menu.
- Improve fidelity mode performance for a smooth 30 FPS experience.
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