How to choose a house in Hogwarts Legacy?

Be a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff; whatever you want to be in Hogwarts Legacy!

How to choose a house in Hogwarts Legacy?

Hogwarts Legacy lets players take a deep dive into the world of Harry Potter that they always know and love. Players can ride a broom, use their wand to fight some adversaries, learn new magic spells, etc. But to do all these things, you need to be sorted in a house in Hogwarts. After that, you will start your journey to becoming a great wizard.

As every Potterhead knows, there are 4 houses in Hogwarts. These are Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and finally, Gryffindor. Slytherins are clever and ambitious, Ravenclaws are eccentric and smart, and Hufflepuffs are reliable and hardworking. Gryffindors are courageous and daring. Your house doesn’t define you, just like the characters in the series.

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There are different ways to pick your house in Hogwarts Legacy. Let’s explore both ways so that you can choose the most suited way to pick the house. You’ll arrive at Hogwarts shortly after the game begins, just in time for the Sorting Ceremony. There are 2 ways to choose your house. You can choose your house with a short in-game quiz or by connecting your Harry Potter Fan Club and WB Games accounts.

Related – How to get brooms in Hogwarts Legacy and upgrade them?

Choose your favorite house in Hogwarts Legacy

Choose your favorite house in Hogwarts Legacy
Uniforms of each house in Hogwarts (Image via Warner Bros. Games)

For hardcore fans who love every element from Harry Potter, you should definitely let the Sorting Hat decide your house. After the tutorial, you will proceed to the Sorting Ceremony where Professor Weasley will place the Sorting Hat over your head as you sit in the front of the Great Hall.

Once you encounter the Sorting Hat, it will say, “You come here with preferences and preconceptions — certain expectations.” You will be given 2 options to pick from:

  • “I can’t wait to start classes.”
  • “I can’t wait to explore.”

After that Hat will ask you a question, “Hmm. I wonder. Hmm. I detect something in you. A certain sense of — hmm — what is it?”. To answer this you have 4 options:

  • Loyalty
  • Ambition
  • Daring
  • Curiosity

Your answer to this question will decide which will be your house. If you get selected for a house you don’t like, then you can take this quiz once again. However, it will be your last chance to choose your desired house. Potterheads must already be familiar with which option will lead to which house. In case you don’t know you, here’s how you can influence the Sorting Hat’s decision:

  • Loyalty – Hufflepuff
  • Ambition – Slytherin
  • Daring – Gryffindor
  • Curiosity – Ravenclaw

Another way to pick your house is by linking your Harry Potter Fan Club account with your WB Games account. If you choose this method you won’t get the choice to take the above-mentioned quiz whatsoever. This is because you have completed the quiz earlier in Harry Potter Fan Club to pick a house. The Harry Potter Fan Club quiz for sorting houses is much more interesting. In comparison, the Hogwarts Legacy quiz feels very underwhelming.

Impacts of Houses in Hogwarts Legacy

You can pick any house, it won’t change the main plot and gameplay. It will affect your common room and clothing. It is pretty obvious that players will rarely spend time in the common room. You will be given specific attire according to your house. You will get a matching robe, necktie, and scarves with other members of the house. Since there are different wizards and witches in each house, players will interact with different NPCs in accordance with their sorted house. Players will also get different house-specific side quests.

After many delays and controversies, Hogwarts Legacy will be available globally on 10 February 2023. Early access is available to players who have bought the Deluxe Edition of the game.

In case you missed it!