How to complete the Party Bag FIFA 22 SBC in FUT 22?

How to complete the Party Bag FIFA 22 SBC in FUT 22?

Party Bag FIFA 22 SBC

FIFA 22 has been releasing some interesting single-task SBCs under the challenge Winter Wildcards event and now a standalone one has arrived in the game. Here is how to complete the new Party Bag FIFA 22 SBC.

The Winter Wildcards promo event has been going very well with a lot of positive response from the player base. It features some exclusively themed player items that have been released in the pool and also some that has been added through SBCs. These also get permanent upgrades throughout the promo and these stay until the end of the edition.

With new single task SBCs coming up for the month of December, we take a look at how to complete the Party Bag FIFA 22 SBC.

Party Bag FIFA 22 SBC

Party Bag FIFA 22
Party Bag FIFA 22

The Winter Wildcards promo event has featured many SBCs for the players this edition and the Party Bag also falls under this promo.

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These SBCs will give out decent rewards and also drop some Winter Wildcards Swamp tokens for the players. These tokens can then in turn be used to get player items in the upcoming FIFA 22 Winter Wildcards Swamps event.

Since this SBC is a single-task players will not have difficulty in arranging the squad and the prices are also quite low. It is non-repeatable in nature and the SBC will stay in the game from today till 3 more days after which it will expire.

SBC to complete

  • Minimum 2 IF players
  • Minimum squad rating of 83
  • Minimum Team Chemistry of 60
  • 11 players in the squad

This can be easily completed in approximately 32000 FUT coins or even less depending upon the fodder used.

YouTube video
YouTube: MattHDGamer

The reward for this one is great as players will receive a player card from Ones to Watch (OTW). Adidas Numbers Up, TOTGS or Rulebreakers promos. Only one can be obtained from the pool, but if the players are really lucky then the item can be very valuable!

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Also read: How to get the Kieran Freeman FIFA 22 Winter Wildcards token?