How to get Sylveon in Pokemon Go?

Sylveon is by far one of the best Eevee evolutions in Pokemon Go. Read below to see how you can add it to your Pokemon collection.

How to get Sylveon in Pokemon Go?

Sylveon in Pokemon Go (Image Credits: Siliconera)

There are many Pokémon to catch along the road, regardless of how long you’ve been playing Pokemon Go. Eevee is arguably one of the most recognizable Pokémon that players of the game have found themselves battling for, to get Sylveon.

This adorable Pokémon can evolve into some of the best Pokémon in the franchise, making it even better than it is on its own. The fairy-type Pokémon Sylveon is one of those evolutions.

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You can get your hands on Sylveon in Pokemon Go by using one of two different methods

How to get Sylveon in Pokemon Go?
Eevee and its evolutions (Image Credits: Pokemon Go)

Similar to the majority of Eevee’s evolutions, Sylveon in Pokemon Go isn’t very tough to obtain. Just performing the necessary steps will get things in the right place. Most importantly, an Eevee is required to evolve into a Sylveon.

The actual effort begins once you have an Eevee. To evolve Eevee into a Sylveon, in contrast to several of its other evolutions, you must collect a particular number of hearts with your little buddy (buddy hearts). Simply set your Eevee to your Buddy and increase its Hearts up to 70 to accomplish this. Players can then choose Sylveon as their preferred evolution by activating an evolutionary option.

You can really accomplish this more quickly if you give your Eevee a unique name and use 25 Eevee Candies. This naming technique has so far been used in a great many Pokémon games.

How to get Sylveon in Pokemon Go?
Sylveon (Image Credits: TheGamer)

You must give your Eevee the name Kira in order for it to evolve into a Sylveon. You will then require 25 Eevee Candy. If you have that, Sylveon’s silhouette ought to be visible over the Evolve button in the information for the Eevee.

Before clicking Evolve, make sure Sylveon’s silhouette is visible. You might acquire another evolution if you proceed without checking that the silhouette belongs to the fairy-type Pokémon, which isn’t a bad thing if you’re attempting to collect every Eevee evolution. But, if you’re truly set on getting a Sylveon, it can delay your progress.

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