How to Unlock Floor Setters in NBA 2K24?

Learn about the Floor Setters and ways to unlock these in NBA 2K24

How to Unlock Floor Setters in NBA 2K24?

image via 2K

Like in real games, NBA 2K24 requires different strategies to win. In essence, some players depend on a defensive stalemate, while others rely on passing. Making a large percentage of baskets is a constant in all strategies. One of the best ways to win basketball games is to post the score on your board continuously. Additionally, there are a lot of perks you can equip to enhance your attributes such as badges for all aspects and Floor Setters are part of these perks.

One of the most significant changes in NBA 2K24 is the ability for your player’s badges to regress in MyCareer. That can be pretty depressing, therefore 2K has also incorporated a system to ensure that your badges remain above a particular level. We’ll go over what Floor Setters are, how to obtain them, and which badges you should use them for.

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How Do NBA 2K24 Floor Setters Work?

Players in NBA 2K24 can equip badges to Floor Setter positions to prevent them from regressing. After equipping it in any Floor Setter slot, your chosen badge will be automatically promoted to its tier (if possible) and will be unable to fall below it. Each season, the free Base Pass comes with a powerful prize called a floor setter, which can be obtained through Season XP.

Nine Floor Setter slots are available for Silver and nine for Gold, totalling eighteen slots. When a badge has a Floor Setter attached to it, it will never fall below the specified badge level.

NBA 2K24 slots
image via NBA 2K24

How can you get Floor Setters in NBA 2K24?

In NBA 2K24, there are two levels of Floor Setters. Your badges will not be able to regress below the silver badge level, thanks to the silver floor setters. At level 20, the silver Floor Setter is unlocked in the Season 1 Battle Pass. The gold Floor Setter, which unlocks at level 40 in the Battle Pass, performs the same function as the silver version: it prevents a badge from falling below gold.

At the time of publication, the Battle Pass was the only means to obtain Floor Setters. It is unclear whether extras will be distributed in future seasons. Each season, 2K intends to provide you with one gold and one silver floor setter.

  • Rep Up: Grinding out in MyCareer is the quickest way to unlock most of the floor setters. As you rank up and earn those awards, you’ll have access to more personalization options.
  • Sponsorships and Endorsements: Sign up for brands. You not only secure the bag, but many packages also include exclusive floor designs.

Our best advice is to be patient and play a few games to track your badge progress. See which badges you naturally level quickly and which you lose progress on but still want the badge to be at a higher level. Also, Because this is fairly playstyle/build dependent, there isn’t always a “best” option. Try to utilize it on badges that you don’t have as much control over but are still important in the game.

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