Fortnite: How To Use And Where To Find The New Dial-A-Drop

Fortnite: How To Use And Where To Find The New Dial-A-Drop

It is the 7th week of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 and Epic Games is continuously adding new features to the game. In this Week’s update, Dial-A-Drop has made its debut. This is a utility item similar to a flare gun, players can use this to manually call upon a supply drop. Dial-A-Drop is a rare item and will spawn as floor loot or in chests.

This item will give players full control over choosing the type of supply drop. There are three types of supply drops that players can call, A Standard which will have Guns, utility items, and Ammunition, A Vehicle supply drop will spawn an OG Bear truck with off-road tires and a cowcatcher, last is a Healing drop which will offer one healing item.

The drops are similar to ordinary drops but getting control over when to call it and choose the item that will benefit the whole team makes it very handy. Players will need to use Dial-A-Drop to complete a week 7 quest.

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Where To Find Fortnite’s Dial-A-Drop And Use It

Fortnite Dial-A-Drop

The players can find the utility item Dial-A-Drop on the ground and in chests across the map. Players have more chances of finding Dial-A-Drop in Bigger POIs. Using a drop to complete your loot or get Healing items for the team may give players an edge over the opponents.

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To call a supply drop use the Dial-A-Drop as a gun and then there will be three options shown to you. Make a request from Health, Vehicle, or Supply Drop. Once the player has made the choice a drop will fall to the ground. Players can also find Dial-A-Drop in regular supply drops so make sure to check if you are near a supply drop.

The following weekly quests will surely be centered around Dial-A-Drop as it is a new item. Along with Dial-A-Drop, there are new skins added to the battle royal like the Deep Freeze Bundle, Polo Ralph Lauren, and many more. The FNCS invitational tournament is also ongoing and will reward two amazing skin bundles to the players who qualify.

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