“Why is it more than one color,” Island Boy Kodiyakredd shows Kick streamer N3ON’s girlfriend Sam Frank his ‘deal’
Throwback to the time when Kick streamer Jack Doherty has Kodiyakredd of the 'Island Boys' to Flash his then-girlfriend Sam Frank

Before kick, Jack Doherty gained popularity through his YouTube vlogs, which he uploaded every week. However, his demeanor on both of the platforms is pretty much the same. Jack is known for doing anything for attention. Furthermore, the streamer used to date Sam Frank before N3ON and had her look at one of the Island boy’s private part.
Sam Frank made regular appearances on Jack’s vlogs while she was with the YouTuber. Even though Jack had her do some ‘questionable’ stuff like rate another man’s ‘parts,’ they were together for a long time. Furthermore, even after their breakup, they both remained content with each other. Jack even vlogged Sam, gifting her current boyfriend, N3ON, a $20,000 Rolex.

Another Kick streamer Natalie Reynolds has accused the ex couple of a lot of things. Furthermore, she claimed that Jack and Sam were evil, manipulating, liars and were disgusting people in general. However, all of Natalie’s claims were without proof.
Kodiyakredd of the Island Boys flashed N3ON’s current girlfriend Sam Frank on a Jack Doherty vlog
Jack Doherty is known for his weird and over-the-top streams and vlogs. The Island Boys were regular guests on Jack’s YouTube vlogs a few months ago. However, in a vlog of his, he had Kodiyakredd flash his then-girlfriend Sam Frank to’review his private part’. Sam didn’t mind the ‘flashing’ and made a hilarious comment about his ‘deal’.

In the vlog, Jack and Kodiyak get into an argument about who’s penis size is bigger. To prove a point, Kodiyak pulls out a picture of his ‘p*nis’ and goes around showing everyone. Furthermore, before showing the picture to Sam, he goes near Sam with his pants in his hand. Everyone asks him to stop immediately.
I just have one question do you want me to ask it? Like actually? Why is it more than one color? It’s like two-toned, two-tone P*nis.
Sam Frank
After he flashed Sam, he asked her what she thought about ‘it’. However, Sam diverted the question and asked why his private part was ‘two-toned.’ Kodiyak then explained that it was because he was ‘Cuban.’ Moreover, Jack kept claiming it was massive throughout the ordeal. However, Sam rates it at 6.9 out of 10, which Kodiyak claims is ‘not that bad.’
Island Boys are now seen occasionally in the streaming world. On the other hand, Jack Doherty and Sam Frank regularly make content and ‘cringe’ out the community.
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