Kick announces increase in moderation on nudity and sexual demeanor
Kick update their policies regarding nudity and sexual misconduct.

Following the backlash faced by Kick streaming platform for exposure to nudity and poor sexual demeanor, co-founder of the streaming platform, Eddie Craven, announced that they would be increasing the moderation on nudity and sexual conduct. The streaming platform had been receiving a lot of hate from people since the day of launch, and the exposure to s*xual misdemeanors only increased the hate they received.
Kick, promoted by prominent streamer Trainwrecktv, has started making a name for itself, rivaling one of the biggest names in the industry, Twitch. Kick had gained traction for itself as a streaming platform due to their very profitable 95–5 revenue split between the streamer and the company compared to Twitch’s 50–50 revenue split. Although it was a very inviting offer and a big chance for content creators to earn more, people doubted that it was just commercial measures taken by Kick to attract streamers and viewers alike to the platform. They also offered streamers complete freedom over what content they could create or stream without the risk of getting banned or removed, which caught the eye of big streamers who had been banned on various streaming platforms due to these reasons.
In addition to offering its streamers and viewers a plethora of benefits, it also signed big streamers to the site, gaining the attention of many viewers. The streaming platform is not new to receiving hate for its measures, like reassigning the usernames of viewers to bigger streamers. They also received hate for their lack of moderation tools on the website to help keep streamers safe from explicit slurs and links during their stream, which is a very important part of a streaming platform.
Related – TrainwrecksTV addresses rumors of Dr Disrespect potentially shifting to Kick
Moderation updates on Nudity and S*xual Conduct
Ensuing the incident of Adin Ross, where the streamer streamed explicit videos from a pornographic website, Kick received a lot of complaints as Adin had a large part of his viewers being young teenagers. Other such incidents of streamers appearing nude or displaying sexual misconduct live on stream have been seen throughout the internet recently leading Kick to update their moderation regarding such topics.
Eddie, co-founder of Kick announced the updates on Kick’s discord server stating that these moderation update would highly affect the “pools, Hot Tubs and Bikinis” section of the platform. The update stated that starting now streamers are not allowed to appear in their undergarments while live streaming, although bikinis and swimwear are allowed. The second update stated that streamers are to avoid sexual activities for subs or money. He requested streamers to not “push the boundaries”. Following this update, people on the internet instigated that Kick were now starting to show their true selves as freedom of content was one of the main reasons that Kick gained attention from viewers. People started questioning how long the 95-5 revenue split was going to last.
In case you missed it:
- Kick streaming app finally launches on iOS
- “I don’t think funding is relevant here,” Trainwreckstv provides insight into how Adin Ross and other Kick streamers earn