Knowby Cabin: What is it and where to find it in Fortnite?

Knowby Cabin: What is it and where to find it in Fortnite?

Ash Williams

Fornitemares 2022 first week has begun in Fortnite, and the Chrome Punk player skin is up for grabs, in case the players are able to complete all of the quests during the event.

Although the nature of the event and the quests haven’t yet been revealed, it can be speculated that the quests might be ranging from collecting items to visiting a specific location. With the head of a rainbow pumpkin in a black and rainbow splatted shirt, the Chrome Punk skin will be every gamer’s dream.

YouTube video

However, Fortnitemares 2022 is not only famous for its outrageous skins, but also for the abundance of player materials that can be gathered by completing these quests. For instance skins such as DJ Lyka with various special abilities would also be present, with the Wolfscent ability for tracking and air slash ability.

Along with it, the Horde Rush event makes its return this year in Fortnite, which can be played along with friends to earn combos and survive to finally take down the ultimate boss. This time around though, there has been the addition of Knowby Cabin, and Ash Williams will also be available for the fans.

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What is Knowby Cabin in Fortnite and where is it?

Knowby Cabin: What is it and where to find it in Fortnite?
Fortnite Ash Williams

Knowby Cabin is a location in the Evil Dead Franchise, and Ash Williams is the sole survivor of the Knowby Cabin. This time around, Ash Williams is returning on the island of Fortnite for the fans to pick up as a skin, and to free the island from the terrors of the Knowby Cabin. This NPC can be found in the Land west of the tree of Reality, although his location is not marked on the map. Alternatively, you can enter the Knowby Cabin and interact with him.

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In the game, the Knowby Cabin can be found in the Western Woods of the reality falls, and finding and dealing shotgun damage is a quest. Remember that completing the quests is essential for getting the Chrome Punk Skin. Ash Williams can also be enlisted to defeat the final boss, so overall finding and visiting the Knowby Cabin can help the players greatly in their quests.

The developers have also included a new Ash Williams pack which consists of the Ash Williams Outfit, Necronomicon back Bling, Chainsaw hand Pickaxe, and emojis.

Overall, since Knowby Cabin is in the game for only a limited period, make sure to stop by and greet Ash. So go ahead and complete the quests, enlisting Ash Williams along with you.

Also Read: Fortnitemares 2022: How to get the Chrome Punk skin for free in Fortnite?