Kyler Murray Call of Duty Curse: How were Arizona Cardinals’ quarterback performances affected by Call of Duty Warzone?

Kyler Murray Call of Duty Curse
Kyler Murray is the No.1 quarterback from the Arizona Cardinals and he is also known for his love for the Call of Duty franchise. Kyler is also a part of Faze Clan and can be found streaming Call of Duty on Twitch. Kyler usually streams on weekends when COD offers double XP. People believe that Kyler’s performance drops during these weekends and also when new COD titles are dropped.
This season has been rough for the star quarterback as he faced several injuries. In the most recent match of the Arizona Cardinals which was with the New England Patriots, Kyler Murry tore his ACL ligament in his right knee. After this incident, all the people are pointing toward one thing and it is the Kyler Murray Call of Duty Curse.
This year Cardinals signed Murray to a huge new extension. In the contract, they had mentioned a ‘study clause’ which was reportedly for Kyler to study film and take part in extra-curricular activities. This clause restricted Kyler from playing excessive video games and doing 4 hours of self-study per week. This Cause was removed due to the negative reaction it received from the community.
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What is the Kyler Murray Call of Duty Curse and what is it doing to the Arizona Cardinals?

There are some studies on the internet that have compiled and compared Kyler Murray’s performance and related it to Call of Duty and Somehow it all makes sense. It says Call of Duty may be hurting Kyler Murray’s career as Kyler’s performance degenerated during COD events and Title drops. A Reddit user left no stone unturned and dropped a report which shows the relationship between the Call of Duty double XP weekends and Kyler Murray’s performance.
The post suggested that the quarterback generally has a worse game statistically on such a weekend. This is another analysis that again compared the Quarterback’s performance to Call of Duty Double XP events. These reports can not be overlooked and have come up after every Cardinal’s defeat as the Kyler Murray Call of Duty Curse.
Murray has a slight difference in his personal stats but the win ratio drops drastically which is not at all acceptable. The Kyler Murray Call of Duty Curse is again in the picture as just after COD released a new title Kyler was not able to perform at his best.
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