Logan Paul states why the Japan incident was “the best thing” that happened in his life

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Logan Paul has stated why the hostility he received in Japan after posting a video depicting the body of a suicide victim was “the best thing” that could have happened to him.

Logan Paul received backlash in 2017 after sharing a now-famous YouTube video depicting the body of someone who had committed suicide in a forest near Mount Fuji’s base. It appeared to be a hotspot for such activities. Not only was he chastised for his reaction to the body, but he was also chastised for other misdeeds committed throughout the trip. He apologised and pulled the video from his channel as a result of the outrage.
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His YouTube career appeared to be over at the time. He did, however, manage to turn things around, and the rest, as they say, is history. Now that he’s had time to think about it, he’s concluded that it was “the finest thing” that could have happened to them, and he stated why.
Logan claimed that the encounter inspired him to broaden his horizons, reconsider his principles, regain his identity, and associate himself with better human beings. He also stated that it’s something he still does regularly.
“I often look back at that time of my life and the person I was unfortunately becoming, and now at 26, I can safely say Japan was the biggest blessing of my life,” he said. “I needed a reset. I needed life to check me, and it did. I became a person that I ended up loving instead of becoming a jackass. I was headed down a nasty path that was validated by clout, money, fame, wealth, which is all just superficial bullsh*t, and it doesn’t make a person great.”
In Japan, Logan Paul was capable of learning from his mistakes. As he described, it sent him on another different road, one that brought him to where he’s at. As a result, he considers it to be the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
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