Ludwig talks about how a taking a break from streaming will help him for new content

Ludwig talks about how a taking a break from streaming will help him for new content

Ludwig talks about how a taking a break from streaming will help him for new content

The youtube star and streamer of the year Ludwig talked about his vacation for 1 week and announced that he’s traveling, for seeking new content and relief from streaming also.

Streamers always try to give their audience good content and entertain them, the Los Angeles native always tries to produce original content, he thinks every streamer is doing the same thing in the name of new content.

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Ludwig going on vacation for 1 week

Ludwig talks about how a taking a break from streaming will help him for new content

On June 17, Ludwig informed his fans that he is taking a break from streaming and going on vacation for 1 week, he informed fans via Twitter. He went on a long-week trip for relief and searched for new content.

He also posted pictures of his cat Coot in the post, in the recent the streamer give credit to his cat for bringing growth to his Youtube channel, the kitten helped him to gain an average of 1 million views on Youtube.

However, Ludwig talk about his vacation on stream before the trip, he said that he is looking for new content and wants to spend some time away, but he also struggling to think about new content. “I feel like I’ve been dead ass out of content,” he continues. “So, I feel like a week off of streaming I’ll be able to mull over some good stream ideas.”

The ex-twitch streamer stated that it’s very difficult to come up with new ideas for content because his fellow streamer are doing the same sh*t for almost 12 months. “doing the same sh*t they’ve been doing for the past 12 months.”

YouTube video

Also Read: Valkyrae once again roasted Ludwig on stream: “I feel like you’d be bad at SpeedRunners”