Over the JiDion controversy, Pokimane “fell into a depression.”

JiDion, who was permanently banned for his misogynistic statements and behaviour, incited hate raids on Pokimane in January. The following month was a rollercoaster of back and forth, with other internet personalities like Ninja expressing support for JiDion and JiDion himself apologising and asking his fans to stop tormenting her.

“I stopped working with my [personal trailer] – I love him – but when all the JiDion online hate stuff happened, bruh,” Pokimane said. “I low-key fell into a depression. I can laugh about it now but for the last two months, I’ve been counting my steps, but the way my steps perfectly represent my mental health is [wild].”
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Pokimane and JiDion Collab
JiDion disclosed that he and Poki are working on a project together in a photo of himself and Poki eating burgers with the message, “Ask me and Poki questions.”
Pokimane has been coping with exacerbated depression, an unsurprising outcome of being bombarded with toxicity thanks to another creative, while the two try to move on from the drama, with JiDion’s ban and Twitch’s misogynistic culture being brought into question.

It’s probably not helped that JiDion’s fans continue to harass Pokimane even after he begged them to stop – once the bottle was opened, there was no way to close it again. At the very least, not entirely. And women on Twitch already face a barrage of abuse, most of it is directed at their appearance and casts doubt on their success.
Despite the harassment and the impact it had on Poki’s mental health, she’s staying with Twitch, having recently renewed her exclusive contract. In terms of the JiDion partnership, he stated that it will take a few weeks to come to fruition, so we won’t be hearing anything about it anytime soon.

Aside from Pokimane, another streamer has been dealing with a stalker who came to her residence and sprayed her name on the door. The streamer in issue, Mira, said she caught the conduct on CCTV and reported it to security, but she hasn’t yet informed the authorities. Toxicity on the internet is an ever-present problem that is regrettably still all too widespread, and women are disproportionately affected.
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