Top 10 most hated Champions in League of Legends

Well, not everyone are supposed to be liked

Top 10 most hated Champions in League of Legends

League of Legends is a free-to-play game that was released by Riot Games more than a decade ago. With over 180 million players worldwide and being around since 2009, League of Legends is one of the most popular and lucrative games ever. With 161 champions on its roster to serve such a sizable and diverse audience, League is able to keep things interesting with the addition of several new players each year. Many of these champions end up being adored by the audience, whether it’s due to their distinctive appearance, fun kit, or intriguing lore.

Fans don’t always appreciate champions. It can be incredibly frustrating to play against some of the champions on the League’s roster because of their survivability, ability to boost an ally or sheer difficulty in countering them. The community mostly hates overpowered and irritating champions in general. In addition, because they are so difficult to play against, some champions are plain simpler to dislike than others. These are the champions whose enemies typically have very little counterplay.

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These are the champions that the player base hates the most.

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Top 10 Most Hated champions in LOL

10. Teemo

League of Legends, Teemo
League of Legends, Teemo (Image via Riot Games)

Teemo, while being the face of League of Legends, is unquestionably one of its most despised heroes. He is very easy to play. His abilities include stealth, which enables him to become unseen before sneaking up on his opponents, poison, which continuously saps their HP, and blind, which renders them defenseless. However, Teemo’s Ultimate is what truly makes him a fearsome foe. In the last stages of games, Teemo’s ability to scatter invisible poison mushrooms throughout the map on a short cooldown allows them to deal significant amounts of damage.

9. Darius

Darius league of legends
Darius league of legends (Image via Riot Games)

He is simply a difficult presence to cope with. He is regarded as the top bully in the top lane. The champion has a tonne of damage and prevails in almost all top-lane all-in clashes. Nearly all lane matchups can be destroyed by Darius, but his abilities go beyond. Darius has the ability to lead his team to victory in any team fight. He can defeat the entire opponent team by himself once he has acquired the maximum number of “Hemorrhage” stacks. It is really challenging to prevent him from reaching the maximum stacks. To prevent quick death, Darius creates a variety of defense-related items.

8. Yasuo

Yasuo LOL
League of Legends, Yasuo (Image via Riot Games)

Yasuo is a popular League of Legends champion, yet regardless of whether players are on his side or the opposition’s, this popularity, unfortunately, comes with a negative reputation. Yasuo players have a reputation for dying frequently in the early stages of the game, which might annoy allies or lead to the opponent’s snowballing. He is also a danger to be dealt with. The champion is ridiculously powerful if you are able to obtain your essential equipment without falling behind in the game. His “Windwall” ability allows him to render range champions worthless in addition to having absurdly high DPS. Yasuo is a constant hassle, whether he is on your team or the opposition’s team. both for quite different motives.

7. Master Yi

Master Yi, League of Legends
Master Yi, League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

One of the original League of Legends champions, Master Yi, is a pain to play against even though he isn’t constantly at the peak of his game. But what should be highlighted is how simple it is to play him. Master Yi offers a tonne of damage while also requiring very little skill and being simple to use. The champion and carry games are open to all players. Yi can easily dive at defenseless squishies and survive thanks to Yi’s W, which also heals him and provides him with a significant amount of damage reduction. He reduces the cooldown on all of his abilities if he manages to kill the opponent’s champion while using his Ult.

6. Yuumi

Yuumi, League of Legends
Yuumi, League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

In League of Legends, enchanters provide amazing boosts to their friends, usually at the expense of their own ability to survive. Yuumi attaches herself to an allied champion and makes herself entirely untargetable. This negates the weakness of her being an enchanter. She only takes damage if she draws the tower aggro by using her Q ability or ultimate. Sometimes wiping out her whole team is the only way to deal with her.

5. Tryndamere

League of Legends, Tryndamere (Image via Riot Games)

Tryndamere is particularly dangerous due to how potent the rest of his equipment is and how quickly, if not properly dealt with, he can wipe out a whole opposition team. He can scale up his damage, critical chance, heal himself, and lower the amount of damage his enemies can deal back.

4. Hecarim

League of Legends, Hecarim (image via Riot Games)

Hecarim never stays out of the meta for too long. Hecarim frequently has one of the highest ban rates in the game when he is strong. This is because no other League champion has an obvious means to respond to his propensity for ganking. Any champion can be run down by Hecarim before they can react, making them fearful before dealing significant damage. Hecarim is also a nearly unstoppable menace because his attack damage increases with speed.

3. Shaco

Shaco LOL
Shaco, League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

The champion scatters his boxes throughout the field. You can be going down a lane or in your jungle when all of a sudden you start getting feared and getting hurt. Although it doesn’t actually pose a danger of dying, it is very irritating. Additionally, from the beginning of the game, Shaco players always take ignite and assault the opposing jungle. The opponent jungler is constantly being invaded or bumping into Shaco boxes, making it impossible for him to play as he pleases.

2. Riven

Riven, League of Legends
Riven, League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Throughout your League of Legends experience, you will hear the phrase “Riven main” frequently. This is due to the fact that Riven mains have emerged as the nastiest group of players throughout the course of the game. The bulk of Riven players does not make for pleasant teammates or opponents, which is very odd. They constantly flame, which ruins everyone’s gaming experience. There isn’t much of a problem with the champion per se, but the player base is unbearable.

1. Vayne

Vayne, League of Legends
Vayne, League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Even while Vayne suffers frequently in the lane at bot lane and has a bad early game, she scales unlike anyone else. You may win games on your own with the champion. She only requires some time to gather her things. She can frequently go invisible throughout battles, kite the opposition, and then rapidly dispatch them. If you want to make the other top lane’s game miserable, you can also play Vayne there.

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