Top 5 Best Pets In Free Fire MAX Clash Squad Mode For June 2022

Best Pets In Free Fire MAX
There is a list of many pets in the game that players can choose in Free Fire MAX with unique abilities to assist on the battlefield. Here in this article, we will take a look at the top 5 best pets in Free Fire MAX clash squad mode for June 2022.
Developers introduce a number of new characters and pets in the game with unique abilities in frequently introduced OB patch updates. There are more than 14 pets available in the game and every pet has unique skills except for Kitty and Mechanical Puppy. Let’s take a look at the list of the top 5 best pets in Free Fire MAX clash squad mode for June 2022.
5 Best Pets In Free Fire MAX Clash Squad Mode
5. Dreki (Dragon Glare)

Dreki has an ability called ‘Dragon Glare‘. At its base level, this ability can spot opponents using medkits within a 10m radius. The effects only last for three seconds. At pet level 7 and ability level 3, Dragon Glare can detect opponents using medkits within a 30m radius. The effects only last for five seconds.
4. Beaston (Helping Hand)

Beaston is among the most popular pets in the Free Fire MAX and has the ability ‘Helping Hand‘. This unique ability in the game provides players with increasing the throwing distance of items like Grenade, Flashbang, Smoke Grenade, and Gloo Walls by 10% (at Level 1) and by 30% (at max level).
3. Ottero (Double Bubble)
Ottero’s ability ‘Double Bubble’ provides additional EP while using a Treatment Gun and Med Kit. At the initial phase, his ability can restore EP equal to 35% of recovered HP. Additionally, later in the game, you can increase 65% of recovered health.
2. Detective Panda (Panda’s Blessings)

Detective Panda has a very good sustained ability. His ability is called Panda’s Blessings. This ability restores 4 HP when players kill an opponent. However, at the max level, the HP restoration will be boosted to 10.
1. Mr. Waggor (Smooth Gloo)
Waggor’s unique ability ‘Smooth Gloo‘ allows the pet to create a gloo wall every 120 seconds when the player does not have one. This ability helps players while rushing towards foes helping them with gloo walls which can later be used as cover. This is the list of the top 5 best pets in Free Fire MAX for June 2022.
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