Top 7 rarest skins in League of Legends 2023
Take a look at the top 7 rarest skins in League of Legends out of thousands of skins that players won't often see.

League of Legends
League of Legends is a free-to-play game that was released by Riot Games more than 10 years ago. Despite the fact that it is free to play, you will undoubtedly spend money on skins. The Skins are unique renditions of the existing Champions that come with fresh appearances, effects, animations, etc.
These skins don’t actually impact the gameplay. The same is also true for Riot Games’ other game, Valorant. The skin is mostly a way to intimidate your opponents rather than have an upper hand on them.
Riot Games continues to add more and more skins to the store, as it is their main profit source. There are so many skins in the game that many players may not have ever seen them. Speaking of which, some skins were available for a brief amount of time and never appeared again. These types of skins are known as rare skins.
Here are the Top 7 rare skins in League of Legends
7) Black Alistar
Black Alistar was one of the first skins ever introduced in League of Legends. It was given as a reward to those who pre-ordered League of Legends Collectors Edition. Even though the game is free-to-play, some players did pay for it and received some rewards in the process.

This skin is just a recoloring of Black Alistar’s original model. That means it’s just a cosmetic change and doesn’t bring anything to the character’s gameplay. The quality of the skin is not that great, but due to its rarity, profiles with this skin go over $500 at least.
6) Young Ryze

Like Black Alistar, this skin was also given as a reward for purchasing Collector’s Edition. Since it was also introduced at the beginning of the game’s journey, it was also just a cosmetic change and offered nothing else. Due to its historical nature, it counts as rare and people pay up to $160 for profiles with this skin.
5) Championship Riven
This skin was introduced to celebrate the 2012 World Championship. As it was the championship skin, it’s among the rarest skins. You could get this skin for 975 RP for a very limited time. Riot Games also gave this skin to people who purchased tickets for the 2012 World Championship.

In the past few days, trading the skin code on third-party websites has been very prevalent. Players sold these codes for almost $400, which was hefty for a single skin that costs 975 RP. It changes the physical appearance as well as some other animation changes.
Today, players generally spend about $300 and upwards for accounts with Championship Riven skin.
4) Riot Squad Singed
This skin was gifted to players during Gamescom 2010 event. It’s a reiteration of Singed as a member of Riot’s representative police force. It improved the champion model but didn’t change anything in terms of sound effects or animations.

They changed his flask into a huge grenade and put the Riot Games logo all over him. The skin is one of the ultra-rares due to the general discontinuation of codes and the minimal demand for codes. You can get these skins for around $150.
3) Judgement Kayle
It is a beautiful skin for Kayle that was given to players for playing 10 games in Season 1. As the player count was very low back then, there are very few players who own this skin.

Even though it doesn’t alter the effects (go figure), it does provide a wonderful contrast of blue and white that you could look at forever.
2) PAX Jax
PAX Jax skin code was given to anyone who attended Arcade Expo in 2010. Even though it’s unknown how many codes were actually given out at the expo, this skin is still considered one of the rarest League of Legends skins.

However, it was also just a reskin for Jax and nothing more. There are people out there who are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to buy an account with this skin.
1) PAX Twisted Fate
This is the oldest PAX skin in League of Legends. It gave Twisted Fate a quite different look, though it doesn’t change any animations or sound effects.

Prices for its skin code went up as high as $450 per code. And some players with this skin, along with a few more rare skins, are selling their accounts for $3000 to $4000.
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