Tower of Fantasy Interactive Map: Tips and Tricks to find Resources and Chests easily

Tower of Fantasy Interactive Map: Tips and Tricks to find Resources and Chests easily

The recently launched MMORPG open-world interactive game by Hotta Studio, Tower of Fantasy, packs a punch with its debut launch and we really don’t want to miss the free spread out resources through the land of Aesperia. TOF features a fictitious open world full of activities such as riches to uncover, challenges to solve, objects to find, missions to take on and accomplish, and other similar events.

To navigate in this game, you may use interactive maps to help find different resources and supplies. These maps may also be used to locate bosses, treasures, minerals, riddles, and other items. When it comes to maps, you must ascend to the pinnacle of the Omnium tower to expose the territory or region. There are five Omnium towers all scattered around the land of Aesperia. The Omnium Tower sites are as follows: Astra, Banges, Warren, Crown, and Navia.

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Using the Interactive Map in Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy Interactive Maps Tips and Tricks
The land of Aesperia in Tower of Fantasy

Using the Tower of Fantasy Interactive Map is not difficult at all, you can check it out here. Simply type the commodity or item you’re searching for into the left Search area or select it from the list underneath the following categories: Featured, Chests, Mineral, Puzzle, Living, Plant and Monster. The mentioned categories will demarcate the given landscape accordingly. 

The ‘Featured’ option highlights the special class objects and chests that may drop black and yellow nucleus to the players. The featured option will by far stay a dynamic option in the interactive map as upcoming events might add some more elements to this list. The ‘Chests’ option is pretty simple and self-explanatory. This feature highlights the parts of the map where you can get XP chests and timer chests as well.

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Thirdly comes the ‘Mineral’ option; this one is essential in the late game. The mineral tag will mark the points where you can get different types of cores from the open world for upgrading your shiny new weapons! Tower of Fantasy features many world elements and cores for helping you upgrade your weapons and strike down your enemies in no time.

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The ‘Puzzle’ filter will mark down the NPCs of the game and all the hidden quests that the player can trigger. A good way to stock up on exp points and gain an edge over the newcomer’s event where you can claim a free SSR weapon. Then comes the ‘Plant’ section which is a filter for herbs and veggies that are used for cooking. Similarly, the ‘Living’ option will mark livestock and poultry required for cooking.

Finally, the most used tab for players who love to flex some damage numbers and claim their SR and SSR rewards; is the ‘Monster’ option. It shows the locations of many monsters/bosses on the Aesperia map. That’s all for the interactive map so far! Now you definitely understand how to view and use the Tower of Fantasy Interactive Map Guide and make farming a piece of cake!

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