TSG Ritik Free Fire MAX ID, K/D Ratio, Stats, YouTube Channel, Monthly Income And More For March 2022

TSG Ritik Free Fire MAX ID, K/D Ratio, Stats, YouTube Channel, Monthly Income And More For March 2022

TSG Ritik Free Fire MAX ID

Free Fire MAX has seen a major upsurge in its popularity among players and content creators since the ban of its predecessor. Here in this article, we will take a look at TSG Ritik Free Fire MAX ID, K/D ratio, stats, YouTube channel, monthly income and more for March 2022.

Ritik Jain also known by is in-game alias TSG Ritik is a renowned name in the Indian Free Fire community. He co-owns ‘Two-Side Gamers‘ with Jash Doka and is a popular streamer. He has amassed a huge audience of over 10.1 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. Let us take a look at TSG Ritik’s Free Fire MAX ID, stats, YouTube channel and more for March 2022.

TSG Ritik Free Fire MAX ID and Stats

TSG Ritik Free Fire MAX ID is ‘124975352‘.

Lifetime Stats

TSG Ritik Lifetime Stats
TSG Ritik Lifetime Stats

TSG Ritik has appeared in 12609 squad matches and has 2362 Booyahs in this mode. He has achieved over 28512 eliminations for a K/D ratio of 2.78.

He has played 2376 duo matches and has secured 260 first-place finishes. He has 4539 frags in this mode for a K/D of 2.15.

Ritik has outsmarted his foes in 69 games out of 945 he participated in the solo mode. With 2031 kills he has a kill-to-death ratio of 2.32.

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TSG Ritik’s Ranked Stats

TSG Ritik Ranked Stats
TSG Ritik Ranked Stats

TSG Ritik has participated in 13 ranked matches and is yet to score his first win in this ranked season 26. With 39 frags he has a kill-to-death ratio of 3.00.

He is yet to play his first duo match in the ongoing ranked season.

Ritik made an appearance in the single solo ranked match and is yet to score either his first kill or win making his K/D ratio 0.00.

Note: The Free Fire stats mentioned in the article were recorded while writing, and these will change as TSG Ritik plays more games.

TSG Ritik YouTube Channel And Monthly Income

YouTube video
TSG Ritik YouTube Channel

Ritik Jain and Jash Doka started their YouTube channel ‘Two Side Gamers‘ back in October 2018. They have uploaded more than 1500 videos on his channel and has amassed over 1.66 billion views with 10 million subscribers. According to Social Blade, the monthly income of TWO SIDE GAMERS channel is between $10.9K and $174.6K.

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Also, Read – How To Get Red Aquila Backpack For Free In Free Fire MAX?