Twitch streamer nearly escapes fatal injury as stray bullet hits her room while playing Valorant

Twitch streamer's room gets hit with stray bullet while she streams Valorant.

Twitch streamer nearly escapes fatal injury as stray bullet hits her room while playing Valorant

Image Credits: BlessX/ Twitch

The streamer’s community witnessed something unusual today on Twitch. A partnered streamer on the platform named BlessX stared in silence as a stray bullet hit her room when she was streaming Valorant.

She was able to escape a massive injury as the bullet hit at a different location. However, the sudden incident left gasping for air as she also heard gunshots outside her house. BlessX had been talking with a friend in Valorant when her room started shaking.

YouTube video

As soon as she heard a loud sound, she screamed in fear, “They’re shooting, they’re shooting.” It was evident from her expression that she was traumatized at the whole scenario. Her friend later tried to comfort her as she asked him to call the cops.

After a few moments, BlessX decided to call the cops and unfold the situation. Her fans were also supportive throughout the stream as they asked the streamer to take care of herself first before she starts streaming again.

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Fans come up with advices as stray bullet hits Twitch streamer’s room

Twitch streamer nearly escapes fatal injury as stray bullet hits her room while playing Valorant
Image Credits: BlessX/ Twitch

After ending her stream, BlessX took to Twitter to express the current state of her mind. She hailed the actions took by the local police authorities as she claimed that she is blessed to be here.

However she also wrote, “honestly you never F**kin know what could happen!“, alluding to the recent incident in her room. In addition to the tweet, she posted a TikTok video showing the Twitch clip, which has now gained huge traction in multiple platforms.

The Twitch streamer explained in her TikTok video that straight bullets hit her stream room when she was live. “Bullet holes were found in my living room and towards my streaming room.” She later added that she should have laid down but all she did was panicked as she lives by herself.

The clip has gone viral on r/livestreamfails. Fans as well as other viewers are providing their suggestions, as to what people should do if they face any such situation ever.

Here are some of the noteworthy comments made on the post which has received over 1.5K upvotes-

After informing the whole incident to the cops, BlessX was back for streaming again. While fans were concerned about another gunfire taking place, they were glad to see that the issue has been solved.

In case you missed it!