VALORANT agents: Is Astra the new meta within the Controller class?

Riot Games released Astra, the newest Controller agent, on March 2, 2021. She debuted in Episode 2 Act 2 and was an instant hit with the players. Astra is a controller agent with a unique set of equipment. She rewards the players who take the effort to plan exactly how they want their rounds to go before they start by controlling the map with the stars in her Astral form.

Her talents allow her to enter Astral Form and put her stars anywhere on the map. She has more corner and angle clearing abilities than any other Controller in the game. However, in order effectively play, a player must rely on excellent communication from his or her teammates. As a result, professional and high-elo games have exceptionally high pick rates.
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Shroud, ShahZam, and a slew of other famous personalities discuss Valorant Astra
Omen, Viper, and Brimstone have been unable to compete since she was boosted. Omen can place smoke anywhere on the map, but it takes 3 seconds. Brimstone has a good range as well, but only a few smokes, and his kit isn’t really useful outside from his smokes. Lineups take a long time for Viper to master, and she takes a long time to master them.

One of the most popular broadcasters, Shroud, even made a YouTube video titled “Proof Astra NEEDS to be Nerfed.” He plays Astra on Haven in the video and is astounded by how simple it is to clear angles and corners.
Shroud isn’t the only well-known player who has spoken out about the current meta. ShahZam recently went on a rant about how completely affects the game’s dynamic. He says she’s overpowered because of her incredible ability to slow down pushes from wherever on the map.
He compares the gameplay of CS:GO to that of Valorant, claiming that the smokes in CS:GO must be more faster and wholly dependent on what the player observes. Astra, on the other hand, can rely on a single communication from a teammate when on a different site. “Astra RUINS viewer experience,” he goes on to warn.
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