Valorant Harbor Guide: Tips and Tricks to ace the new Controller

Tips and tricks to master the Indian Valorant Agent, Harbor
Valorant has finally dropped Agent Varun Batra, codenamed Harbor and fans are excited to get a hands-on experience with him. However, like with all new agents, finding out about Harbor’s optimal use will take some time, especially since no one has clearly figured out how to use this agent to the best of its abilities. This might also be the best time to push on with Harbor and get to the higher elos, so for all the grinders out there, this is going to be the one stop guide to ace the new Controller.
Valorant, however, is as much a game of skill as it is of strategy. Therefore, if the agents are not really used in the way they are meant to be, then the actual implementation of that agent gets restricted. With that in mind, it is also important to know the various abilities and their usage to master the agent.
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Valorant Harbor uses and abilities
High tide
High Tide is going to be Harbor’s bread and butter, and can be used to smoke off large areas, especially in open ended maps like Breeze and Haven. It looks like a blend of the Viper and Phoenix walls, blocking off visibility, however allowing abilities to pass through. Using this ability can create a lot of space for the teammates to take control of a site and taking on one opening at a time.
Planting the spike for an attacker and defusing for a defender is perhaps the most important thing in the entire game. More often than not, agents have been killed while trying to plant or defuse the spike. With Harbor, that is easily taken care of, since Harbor’s cove will do the job of both smoking off as well as acting as a shield to the teammate. Used with lineups, this ability can very well make or break the game.
Also Read: Top 3 agents to successfully counter Harbor in Valorant
This is a pretty basic ability that creates a wave of water that moves ahead or can be stopped by the controlling Harbor. This can be used to create site retake plays but moving behind the wave to take on aggressive peaks before retreating to safely. Additionally opponents hit by this wave is slowed, give Harbor a greater edge.
Harbor’s ultimate abiltiy costs 7 ultimate charges, which can be used in combination with teammates to retake the site. Enemies are stunned by a whirpool forming under them and their position is revealed, similar to what Fade’s nightmare does, maybe slightly better. Used in combination with aggressive agent’s ultimate, this can be a gamechanger of passive players. Have fun using Harbor.
For players who have a fair idea of how to utilize Harbor to his full potential, the Indian agent will be nothing short of a beast in Valorant.
Also Read: Top 5 best Harbor Lineups for Pearl Map in Valorant