Week 14 of Season 1 of Fortnite: All Chapters Guide to Seasonal Quests

Fortnite’s chapter 3 season 1 week 14 challenges have come, and they’re still the best method for players to level up. Players are hurrying to finish their battle pass as the season draws to a close. If the player fails to do so, all of the battle pass’s protected content will be placed in the Fortnite vault, where it will most likely never be seen again. The big prize this season is reaching level 100 and unlocking the Spider-Man skin.

Players will receive 25,000 XP towards their battle pass for completing each seasonal challenge. Completing all of them this week will net you over 150,000 XP. The best thing about these seasonal challenges is that they last till the battle pass expires. Players are well within their rights to wait until the final week to finish all of the challenges. Although the player’s time is limited, the amount of XP he or she can gain has not changed.

Week 14 of Fortnite chapter 3 brings seven new challenges. To finish them, players must travel to the outermost reaches of the map. Before choosing a landing spot, make sure to check out the Quest tab. This is because the best landing sites in Fortnite Chapter 3 are determined by the player’s objectives for the round. Because many of these tasks take place at Named Locations, pinging the location before the game begins will help you figure out where to land. This week’s seven new challenges are listed below.
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Week 14 Challenges in Fortnite Season 3 Chapter 1

- Dance on Top of Klombo.
- Survive on Top of Wind Turbines at Windbreakers for 30 Seconds.
- Search a Seven or IO Chest.
- Reach a Speed of 65 in a Vehicle at Chonker’s Speedway or Behemoth Bridge.
- Hide in a Dumpster at Tilted Towers and The Daily Bugle.
- Decorate Shell or High Water and Happy Campers with five Flamingo Ornaments.
- Deal 75 Damage to Opponents at Covert Cavern or Sanctuary.

To finish these challenges quickly, pick up the Spider-Man Web-Shooters in Fortnite from the Daily Bugle. They’re not only a lot of fun to use, but they also make navigating the map a lot easier. Unfortunately, Challenge Four requires players to land in the Daily Bugle’s dumpster, killing two birds with one stone.
In any case, because this is the final week, players should finish these and any other remaining challenges as soon as feasible. It’s unclear what the following season will be like, but it’ll only be a matter of time before we find out.
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