Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: How to beat Walking Wake and Iron Leaves in Tera Raid battles
Walking Wake and Iron Leaves in Tera Raid battles to get these new Paradox Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

Nintendo adds different mechanics in every Pokémon Game. They have added a unique ability to terastallize Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. It allowed players to take part in Tera Raids, which are battles against strong Pokémon that take place in a separate dimension. Players can now play The Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Tera Raid Battle event in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. They will battle against the Paradox form of Suicune and Virizion in Gen IX titles. Both of the Paradox Pokémon were announced on Pokémon Day 2023.
The Walking Wake, a Paradox form of Gen II Pocket monster Suicune is available in Scarlet. Whereas the Paradox form of Generation V Pocket Monster Virizion, Iron Leaves is available in Violet. Walking Wake and Iron Leaves are only available once. Trainers can continue to engage in repeated battles with them to receive rewards.
The majority of skilled trainers shouldn’t have any trouble obtaining Walking Wake or Iron Leaves, albeit they must successfully finish these Tera Raid battles by March 12, 2023. Here’s the guide which will help you to defeat Walking Wake and Iron Leaves to completer Tera Raid battles in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
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Get great rewards for defeating Walking Wake and Iron Leaves in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Walking Wake Tera Raid battle in Pokémon Scarlet

The Walking Wake is a water-dragon-type Pokémon with water Tera type. It uses these skills:
- Hydro Steam
- Dragon Pulse
- Noble Roar
- Flamethrower
- Sunny Day
Hydro Steam is its signature move and deals extra damage when exposed to Sun. So you should try to use a Pokémon which either also gets a boost in Sun or can change weather conditions. Walking Wave will only be Level 75 because it is a 5-star Tera Raid. That implies that, should you own something Level 100, you don’t have to rely on really powerful moves to beat it. You can use Lurantis or Annihilape whichever suits you. Lurantis is great Pokémon in the sun and the Occa berry item will help it to tank on Flamethrower skill. It will take 6 Solar Beams or Lurantis to defeat Walking Wake. Annihilape with his Screech skill reduces the Walking Wake’s defense. In addition to that, whenever Walking Wake attacks Annihilape, Annihilape gets an attack boost and can deal massive damage to Paradox Pocket Pokémon.
In addition to getting a chance to catch the Walking Wake, here are the rewards you will receive for defeating it:
Normal Drops
- EXP. Candy L
- EXP. Candy XL
- Health Feather
- Water Tera Shard
Possible Drops
- EXP. Candy L
- Health Feather
- Rare Candy
- Tamato Berry
- Big Pearl
- Naive Mint
- Pearl String
- Nugget
- PP Up
- Bottle Cap
- Water Tera Shard
- Ability Capsule
Iron Leaves Tera Raid battle

The Iron Leaves is a grass-psychic-bug-type Pokémon. It is a psychic Tera type. It utilizes these skills:
- Psyblade
- Leaf Blade
- Megahorn
- Swords Dance
- Electric Terrain
You can use Kingambit against Iron Leaves as it is immune to psychic types and resist grass attacks. In addition to that it is neutral to bug type. During the battle, use the Swords Dance 3 times followed by Kowtow Cleave. This combo will deal a tremendous amount of damage.
Here are the reward for defeating Iron leaves in addition to the Pokémon itself:
Normal Drops
- EXP. Candy L
- EXP. Candy XL
- Health Feather
- Psychic Tera Shard
Random Drops
- EXP. Candy L
- Rare Candy
- Health Feather
- Tamato Berry
- Big Pearl
- Pearl String
- Nugget
- Naive Mint
- PP Up
- Bottle Cap
- Psychic Tera Shard
- Ability Capsule
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