Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – Every Lightsaber stance and how to unlock them
All 5 stances in Star War Jedi: Survivor.

Jedi: Survivor
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is an action-adventure game that was developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. The highly anticipated game was released on 28th April 2023 as the sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Following its massive release hype, the game received a lot of backlash for its major bugs and crashes although the game had a really good look and combat system.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor offers its players a variety of lightsaber stances that their protagonist Cal Kestis can wield. Each of these lightsaber stances has its own strengths and weaknesses. In addition to lightsaber stances, players can also customize their lightsabers to their liking.
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Lightsaber Stances in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor offers its players a total of 5 lightsaber stances that can be taught to Cal Kestis. Each of these stances have unique move sets and abilities. However keep in mind that only two lightsaber styles can be equipped and swapped between at one time. Players will need to return to a meditation site to swap out other styles.
Cross Guard Stance

The Cross Guard Stance closely resembles Kylo Ren’s lightsaber with a cross-guard hilt that was first showcased in Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens. This is the strongest stance in the game that deals massive amounts of damage but at the cost of speed. It is unlocked after the main storyline mission Shattered Moon – Research Tanalorr. RPG players will be able to recognize this stance as it it made to function like a great sword in RPGs.
This stance allows you to kill enemies with fewer strikes but judging the distance between the enemies can be difficult. This is due to Cal not moving forward while using this stance unlike other stances making this the stance with the shortest range. Although dealing a lot of damage, it leaves players wide open to attacks from enemies due to the long intervals between strikes. Despite being slow, this stances offer a number of moves and abilities to try and cover for its lack of speed. The Cross Guard Stance skill tree includes the following :
- Rending Strike (1 Skill Point) – Perform a single, high-damage swing with a long windup.
- Impact (2 Skill Points) – While airborne, slam into the ground, causing a shockwave.
- Greater Impact (1 Skill Point) – Increased shockwave range.
- Greater Cleaving Swing (1 Skill Point) – Reduces focus attack charge-up time.
- Reaching Cleave (1 Skill Point) – Increases range of Cleaving Swing.
- Sundering Swipe (2 Skill Points) – Perform a wide, sweeping lightsaber attack.
- Charged Reflection (1 Skill Point) – Act right before a bolt makes contact to send back a charged bolt that hits the target and nearby enemies.
- Rolling Thunder (2 Skill Points) – Throw the lightsaber in a line through multiple targets.
Dual Wield Stance

The Dual Wield Stance is as clear as the name, player will be able to hold 2 lightsabers while using this stance. This was first introduced in the prequel of Jedi: Survivor as a brief special move and not a complete stance. The stance is unlocked to players after they defeat Ninth Sister who is the first boss players fight in the game. The Dual Wield stance is probably the coolest looking stance, however it has very high skill ceiling due to increased damage taken if caught unprepared.
Other than the increase damage taken, the dual blades are a very powerful stance as it let you have a very fast attack speed and the power to back it up. It also allows you to cancel an attack in case you have to parry or dodge an enemy’s attack. This stance can be used to plough through enemies really fast or dwindle down the HP of a tougher enemy. The Dual Wield Stance Skill Tree includes the following:
- Backstep Slash (1 Skill Point) – Attack and leap backwards, creating distance from the target.
- Uncoiled Strikes (2 Skill Points) – Perform a flurry of quick, targeted swings.
- Split Reflection (2 Skill Points) – Deflect right as a blaster bolt hits to split the incoming bolt and reflect at an additional target.
- Focused Parry (1 Skill Point) – Perform a spinning strike.
- Precision Release (2 Skill Points) – Perform a more devastating follow-up attack and stagger nearby enemies.
- Serpent’s Bite (1 Skill Point) – Execute a strong final overhead swing.
- Twin Vipers (2 Skill Points) – Throw the second blade at a target to double up damage.
- Dancing Blades (3 Skill Points) – Throw both lightsabers that bounce between multiple targets.
Single Blade Stance

The Single Blade Stance is the most common stance in most games and probably the easiest to use. It is also the stance used by most Jedis in the Star Wars franchise. This stance is available to players right at the star of the game and is the most balanced stance in the game. Cal Kestis wield a single lightsaber and attack with a variation of one handed and two handed strikes.
The stance is very balanced as it has both speed and power and also a shorter attack animation leaving you less vulnerable to attacks from enemies. However with it being balanced, it won’t excel at maximizing damage or hitting multiple targets. With the game allowing players the ability to swap between 2 stances, this stance is a good failsafe incase the other stances don’t work well. The Single Blade Stance Skill Tree includes the following:
- Lunging Strike (1 Skill Point) – Perform a long-reaching thrust attack.
- Improved Footwork (1 Skill Point) – Lunging Strike now reaches further.
- Twofold Reflection (1 Skill Point) – Reflect up to two blaster projectiles in a row.
- Cyclone Slash (2 Skill Points) – Perform a powerful overhead swing.
- Aerial Assault (2 Skill Points) – Attack straight down at a target below.
- Charged Throw (2 Skill Points) – Stronger lightsaber throw that hits for more damage and moves a short distance through the target.
- Dash Strike (2 Skill Points) – Dash and strike a target out of normal melee range.
- Aerial Dash Strike ( 1 Skill Point) – Perform Dash Strike while airborne.
- Aerial Ace (1 Skill Point) – Aerial Assault does more damage and staggers enemies hit by it.
Blaster Stance

The Blade and Blaster Stance is a very unconventional stance especially for a Jedi. This stance include the use of a light saber in one hand and a blaster in the other to deal with enemies at both long and short ranges. This stance becomes available to players after the Koboh – The Forest Array mission when Bode hand Cal a blaster.
Although the blaster is good at damaging enemies at range, it is not the best for sniping as it is meant to be used along with your lightsaber. It is best to poke at the enemies HP with your blaster as you try to close the distance with your lightsaber. Keep in mind that the blaster has limited amount of shots and takes some time to reload. This stance is also a good pick as it gives players both range and speed in one stance. The Blaster Stance Skill Tree includes the following :
- Flying Lunge (1 Skill Point) – Close the distance to your enemy with a leaping thrust.
- Blaster Cooldown (1 Skill Point) – Gain additional ammunition each time you strike an enemy with the lightsaber.
- Improved Clip (1 Skill Point) – Increase maximum blaster ammunition by three.
- Energizing Flurry (3 Skill Points) – Perform a sequence of quick swings that rapidly replenish ammunition if they connect.
- Efficient Heat Transfer (2 Skill Points) – Reduces time required to fully charge a blaster shot.
- Point Blank (1 Skill Point) – Act just before an enemy hits to blast them away.
- Quick Draw (3 Skill Points) – Focus and target multiple enemies at once with the blaster.
Double-Bladed Stance

The Double Bladed Stance makes use of a lightsaber staff and was one of the stances in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order making a return in the sequel. This stance is best for an Are of Effect damage and very useful for finishing off enemies with low HP. It is available for player to use after the completion of the first mission on the Coruscant.
This stance allows you to hit multiple enemies at close and medium ranges. The unique ability of this stance is that it allows you to toss your lightsaber in a circle around you causing AoE damage. The only demerit of this stance is that it is slow and it requires player to wind up their attack. Due to this, it leaves player vulnerable to enemies attack without the opportunity to dodge or parry. This stance is best to have equipped when entering areas with huge swarms of enemies. The Double-Bladed Stance Skill Tree includes the following:
- Gathering Tempest (1 Skill Point) – Deal fast strikes toward a single enemy.
- Vortex Dive (1 Skill Point) – Dive forward while spinning the lightsaber.
- Double Orbit (1 Skill Point) – Perform a second lightsaber throw around Cal.
- Endless Hurricane (1 Skill Point) – Add additional attacks to the end of the double-bladed attack chain.
- Repulsing Burst (2 Skill Points) – Slam down while airborne, dealing damage in an area.
- Rising Storm (2 Skill Points) – Perform an attack that pulls enemies in a small area and takes Cal into the air.
- Multifold Reflections (2 Skill Points) – Reflect blaster shots back toward nearby targets.
- Controlled Throw (2 Skill Points) – Throw the lightsaber and maintain its position, then move it around.
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