“I didn’t even touch him” QuarterJade gets extremely angry at Masayoshi

QuarterJade and Masayoshi
Jodi ‘Quarterjade’ and John ‘Masayoshi’ Cable are the other couple in OTV that people fawn over other than Lily and Michael. They are fun to watch while on stream and produce some entertaining moments in which John accidentally ends up insulting Jodi and she tries to teach him a lesson the hard way. They were present during the recently OTV valentines day video in which he tried to cook her favourite meal which was very romantic. But on this stream, they were back to their usual dynamic.
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What did Masayoshi say?

“Alright, John get to work! I’m bust dancing” Jodi ordered him as she prepared herself do dance in front to the camera. “Also never get french bangs” she added later and John imitated her voice in a way that clearly annoyed her. This was evident as she gave him the subtle death glare she is famous for.
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How did Quarterjade react to it?
John noticed the death glare that Jodi was giving him and realised his fate was sealed. “I am so I had your stream up on my microphone” he said as Jodi crept closer to him with each passing word, “it echoed out of my mouth”. Next thing that the chat heard was John shouting as he ran to the other side of the screen. “I didn’t even touch him” QuarterJade told chat trying to cover up what she actually did.
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